
Neighbor's Cat with Day Old Flea Ridden Kittens?

This morning a neighbor's cat had kittens in my tree (a hollowed out hole in the trunk, not out on a limb.) It has rained a couple of days and the tree is wet. The two kittens lay at the bottom of a hollowed hole. Not only do i fear it is too cold and wet, I know the mother has terrible fleas as well. The neighbor has no concern for the cat at all, their only contribution being the old bag cat food they had before she ran off. I am faced with several problems. Do I move the kittens out of the wet tree? How do I care for the fleas?


They are only a day old. It is not my cat, do I call a vet; take her to an animal shelter (I think we all know what will happen there!)

I love animals but I don't have the money to invest into spaying, shots, flea meds etc. to a cat that isn't even mine. OH, let's not forget the three kittens she brought with her from her previous litter. They were a few weeks old but we were able to give them a flea bath, flea collars, and worm pills since we noticed that mother has worms as well. PLEASE HELP IMMEDIATELY!


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August 28, 20080 found this helpful

I would contact the authorities. If it is the neighbor's cat, then it is their responsibility to take care of her and the kittens. There may be a no kill shelter in your area that the cat and kittens can go to. If you don't want to turn them in for animal neglect, look for a no kill shelter on your own.


Sometimes you have to pay a nominal fee to turn them in, but you would pay that anyway if you were to try to take care of them and their fleas. Good luck!

August 28, 20080 found this helpful

the post about calling Animal Control or a Shelter is absolutely right. The mother and the kittens will be taken care of. Which is the most important thing. And hopefully the "owners" may be held responsible.

By jann weitman (Guest Post)
August 28, 20080 found this helpful

Call your local ASPCA or Humane Society ASAP! The poor creatures are in dire need of immediate attention. In our State this is animal abuse and is punishable by law, either a fine and or a stay in the local jail.


You don't sound comfortable with animals so it would be best to let the authorities handle the situation. Good luck and please keep us updated. Jann (mother of many pet's)


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Pets FleasAugust 28, 2008
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