
Pool Theme Birthday Cake?

I am making a birthday cake with a pool theme. On the top will be a pool (of course) with a beach ball and sour ring candy for a floaty and maybe a pool noodle. However, around the pool is giving me a bit of trouble. Do you have any suggestions on what I could put next to the pool that will be easy to do with icing? Grass, maybe a towel or two. I need your help! The cake is for a little boy turning 6.


Thanks so much!

April from Demorest, GA

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By KJ (Guest Post)
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

You could use green coconut (colored with green food coloring) for grass. Or, use finely chopped peanuts for a sandy beach. The towels could be made from fruit roll-ups. Use the fruit roll-ups as umbrella tops, with a stick pretzel as the post.

My daughter used the Teddy Grams (mini-bears) on a cake for her son's boy scout group. It was a camping theme though. You could put frosting on the Teddy Grams, to look like swimming suits.

By Patti (Guest Post)
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

How about green tinted coconut "grass" and toothpick umbrellas?
Small plastic toy animals. Plastic toy fencing?
What a fun project!

By Becki Harris (Guest Post)
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

Beechnut fruit-stripped gum is perfect for beach towels, and it's just the right size for teddy grahams to lay on -- if you are really ambitious, you can use vanilla icing with a little food color mixed in, to "paint" bathing suits on the teddy grahams! Don't ask me how I know ... :)


Also, instead of peanuts as somebody else suggested, if you want a sandy beach, I would crush up graham crackers. Too many kids are allergic to peanuts thsee days.

By pam (Guest Post)
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

Big jaw breakers for beach balls.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 277 Posts
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

When FamilyFun reader Gail Fournier's son, Scott, turned seven, she was hot on throwing a poolside bash. The coolest part of the party was the cake, modeled after the above-ground pool in their backyard in New Hampshire.

Make this cake and we guarantee your guests won't hesitate to plunge right in.

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Birthday Cakes
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1/2 gallon quality ice cream (any flavor)
1 1/3 8.5-oz. pkgs. fudge sticks (chocolate or peanut butter)
2 cups heavy cream
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
Blue food coloring
Gummy rings
Paper umbrellas
Plastic figures
Decorators' frosting

2. After the ice cream has frozen solid, unmold it by dipping the container quickly into a pan of hot water; if necessary, you can also loosen the edges of the ice cream with a knife. Invert the mold onto a large plate and carefully lift off the pan to reveal the ice-cream cake.

3. Your kids can then carefully place the fudge sticks (we alternated plain and chocolate-peanut butter) along the sides of the ice-cream pool cake, the cookies will resemble the panels of an aboveground pool. Return the cake to the freezer while you prepare the whipped cream.


4. To make the blue whipped cream waves, pour the cold heavy cream into a bowl. Beat with an electric mixer until the cream begins to thicken and soft peaks form. Add the sugar and vanilla extract and beat until stiff. Mix in several drops of blue food coloring. Frost the top of the frozen cake with the blue whipped cream, then return it to the freezer for 15 to 30 minutes or until set.

5. Next, let your kids turn the cake into a bustling pool with gummy ring inner tubes, Gobstopper beach balls, paper umbrellas, and plastic swimmers. Add a licorice ladder with licorice rungs (use decorators' frosting to glue it together).

6. Now it's time to take the plunge into the pool cake. For best results, serve it immediately and do not let it stand at room temperature for long. Store leftovers in the freezer. Feeds 10 to 12 hungry swimmers.


7. Tips: To add variety, you can layer different flavors of ice cream or mix in candies (chocolate fish, anyone?). The trick is to loosen the ice cream without melting it, so don't hold the mold in the hot water for more than a few seconds. Ask your children to work quickly while they place the chocolate cookies around the outside -- otherwise, they'll have a melted "pool" of ice cream. For foolproof whipped cream, chill the bowl and beaters in advance. Take the kids with you to buy pool accessories at a party supply store, suggests Gail. "They have a better concept than we do about what makes good pool toys." If you can't find plastic swimmers, call Sugarcraft at 513-896-7089 or go to to place an order.

By Theresa (Guest Post)
July 14, 20080 found this helpful

Fruit Roll up makes great beach towels or that zebra stick gum also does.
as mention by someone else - teddy grahams dressed with icing
if doing an in-ground pool - chicklits or mini chicklits (the gum) make good pool tile. You can make the actual 'water' out of jello. Crushed nilla wafers if you want to add 'sand'. Stick of gum for diving board. How about a water slide out of fruit roll up and pretzel sticks or something.

By texasdarling (Guest Post)
July 15, 20080 found this helpful

Use fruit stripe gum for the beach towel and put teddy grahams on them. You can also use them in the pool with rings around them.


The paper drink umbrellas would be cute for the shade umbrellas.

July 16, 20080 found this helpful

I made 1 using the tips of ice cream cones for pool planters. Just cut of the end of cone, put point end into cake/icing, fill w/a bit of green frosting, then add small dots of flower color icing, or pipe some small flowers & leaves on the 'greenery'. Good luck

By Bunky (Guest Post)
July 22, 20080 found this helpful

Use fruit roll ups for palm trees. Roll a yellow one tightly to form the trunk. Then roll out a green one and cut out palm leaves. Press all together and you're done!

July 22, 20080 found this helpful

Go to a candy store and in the area where they have the 'gummy' type candies you can get various things like fish and octopuses, among other things
cathy from ma.


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