
Check Receipt Before Leaving Store

Are you being overcharged for groceries? I am overcharged for my groceries half of the time! That is why I now check my receipt before leaving the store instead of when I get home. I buy a lot of thing on sale and often times the store employees have not entered the sale prices into their computers.


Another reason is just carelessness on the part of the check-out person.

Just today, I was overcharged $11.00 for some paintbrushes that should have totaled $2.00! That was at a hardware store. Please take a minute to check your receipts. It could be worth your while.

By Anne from Green Bay, WI

Check Receipt Before Leaving Store

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 138 Feedbacks
March 26, 20091 found this helpful

I try to watch the display as the items are scanned to catch any error before I pay. It is wise to check the receipt before you leave just in case you missed something.


With fruits and veggies, it's easy for the cashier to enter the wrong code and charge you incorrectly.

March 26, 20091 found this helpful

I always check the prices. At Wal Mart they have the products placed in areas that are maked with a different price. They always blame the stocking crew. At my grocery store they ring up the wrong price because they don't recognize what the product is or the wrong price is entered in the computor. When my grocery store makes an error and you bring it to their attention you get your money back plus a dollar plus the item for nothing. So with that incentive I double check my grocery prices and I catch them making an error at lest once a week.

October 10, 20161 found this helpful

Walmart is notorious in our town for double scanning an item. They blame it on the system but the system would have a hard time scanning the item for the second time once it is bagged. In Michigan there is a scan law which returns the price of the overcharge as well as five times the error up to five dollars.


We have received many scan error refunds from Walmart over the years and I encourage everyone I know who shops Walmart to watch for these errors. Personally, I shop Meijer stores who work hard to make sure the prices in the system are correct.

March 27, 20090 found this helpful

IT IS WORTH IT TO CHECK YOUR RECIEPT!! I have been overcharged at least a half dozen times....making the price such that I don't want it any more...or they give me the price advertised. Each company has different rules. Hannafords grocery will not only correct the price in their computers, but they will also give you the item free! Check your grocer, maybe they will do the same.

March 27, 20091 found this helpful

I do the same for coupons, I always count the coupons before I give them to the cashier, and I watch them as they scan them. There were lots of times that coupons were not scanned or were dropped on the floor.

March 27, 20091 found this helpful

Always check your receipt when using self check-out machines. Just this week our total at a major
"Do It Yourself" building supply store seemed very high. On checking we found an expensive item on the receipt we did not purchase. The clerk assisting told us that this happens often. Someone starts to use the self check-out and then walks away or walks out!


The item stays in the system and ends up on your bill! Interestingly it was NOT the first item on the receipt! Better yet, check to make sure self check-outs are clear before you start and then double check your receipt.

March 27, 20091 found this helpful

I was once charged $329 for a maui onion at the store. I love them but not at that price! The checker and I were shocked. He entered the right code but the code was programmed wrong. Wowie!

March 27, 20091 found this helpful

As a cashier, I always make the same comments on these kinds of posts...

Yes, watch as items are being rung up. If you notice something scan incorrectly say, "I'm sorry, that dish soap was supposed to be 97 cents." Don't say, "You total (curse word) moron. I can't believe you can even read let alone do this job. This is supposed to be 97 cents. You charged me two dollars and fifteen cents. I should have you fired." I am not exaggerating. This kind of verbal abuse happens to store cashiers all the time. In most stores, we don't enter a price for an item, we just scan it. Whatever price it comes up at is not our fault. Yes, we will call and check, but you need to be patient while we do so. We can get written up or fired for changing too many prices. Yes, even if the shelf tag says one thing and it scans another thing, we can get written up for it. Now do you blame us for checking? Plus, unfortunately people will lie to give themselves "discounts" hoping we don't call to check.


Before you pay for a purchase, ask yourself, "Is this the total I had in my head/on paper/on calculator?". If not, ask for a print out before you pay. After you pay at most stores, you'll need to go to a customer service desk for adjustments for price, coupons, sale items, cashier errors, etc. Don't get angry at the cashier after you tender because you have to go somewhere else to get an adjustment or refund.

Yes, I know some cashiers are not very competent. But don't assume all aren't. I have a degree in English and own my own business. I hate when people put their produce on the belt and say in a voice that presumes I barely speak English, "These are tomatoes, this is a cabbage, this is an apple." Um, yeah, I know. Thanks. If I ring up your tomatoes as apples then you can speak up and say something. Otherwise, just let me do my job.


As you approach a self check/U-Scan Terminal, you should see if there's anything already scanned. If not, you may proceed. I've been running self checks for 3 1/2 years and have never seen anything rung up on a receipt that was not there. If it's not there? Do you have a sticker on your sleeve? A receipt sticking out of your wallet? An item your kid snuck behind your back? Also, I've seen people scan an item, put it in the bag, take it back out of the bag, scan it again and then yell, "This machine scanned it twice!." No, you did! Again, check your total. Is it double what you thought you were going to pay. Check the screen or nicely ask the check out attendant before paying.

Overall, I just always recommend being polite and civil. Both of those are severely lacking these days.

March 28, 20091 found this helpful

I'm a cashier too and we all make mistakes we are only human and we do have feeling. the other day I scan a product which didn't ring the sell price this woman went off on me slam the grocery down threw a can at me and hit me in the chest and I had to tell her SORRY I will call the
management. After all the ranting about going to walmart we check the price and I had SCAN the item CORRECTLY she did not say she was sorry, about hitting me or anything we just give it to her and she left without saying thank you and saying she would never do her business with us again she came back a few days later!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 126 Feedbacks
March 28, 20091 found this helpful

Since I can't remember the price of each item I purchase, I just keep a rough running total in my head until I am finished shopping. Then when I go through the checkout, if the amount is not within a dollar of what I thought it should be, then I check the receipt. I too have been charged the wrong price for things, but when you ask the cashier nicely to double check a price, they always do. Sometimes it is my mistake! Being nice goes a long way! I have also returned and paid for things that I wasn't charged for.

March 29, 20091 found this helpful

I always shop with a list and I only pay with cash. I keep a running cost total right on my shoppint list. It keeps me from going over my pre-set spending limit and it helps me catch overcharges right away at the register. Plus I check my receipt before I even exit the store.

Tracey in Jacksonville FL

March 29, 20091 found this helpful

If something is on sale or you're not sure of the price ask the cashier to check the price first because it only takes a second and it's better than having to stand in line again at the service desk. ALWAYS be polite to the cashiers. As a cashier myself (at Wal-Mart) I agree with the other cashiers that have posted. It's not the cashier's fault the price is wrong. We didn't make the price, we just ring it up.


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,317 Feedbacks
March 29, 20090 found this helpful

I go to wal mart and use the self checkout no matter how large my purchase is. This way I can check each item and put all cold things in one bag, freezer things in another etc.

I use the reg checkouts when store is not crazy busy and I watch each price and set times on belt as I want them bagged and the cashiers are always fine with it. I do however review it quickly and if anything is amiss off the the courtesy booth. Good luck

March 30, 20091 found this helpful

It actually pays here when you check your receipt. If the store makes a mistake. You give them the receipt and they have to give you the item plus give your money back. I walked out one day with 6 lbs of butter at over $4.00 a lb. A cool savings of $24.00. Butter is expensive in Canada. The people who program the computers are pretty good when they know it'll cost the store. I still check because it still tends to happen every now and then. Like I said "it pays". lol

April 8, 20091 found this helpful

The store that seems to have the most problems with the scanner being WRONG is Meijers! Every time I shop there for their sale items. I have at least one error. The last time I had three!

April 17, 20090 found this helpful

I don't know if this is where you put this additional please check but here goes. When you exchange something at the store for another you should open the pkg even if it is sealed and you won't get home with somebody else's broken stuff. ie...we had to take back a pool motor and all the help was great but when we got home 40 miles away someone had put their bad motor in the box and sealed it up and we had to go back again.

April 17, 20091 found this helpful

Wow! Look at the rapid-fire responses on this subject! This is great advise that needs to be read by any shopper. This will save you money, big time. I make myself do this regularly because mistakes do occur with great frequency in our area in West Ohio.

April 17, 20091 found this helpful

Besides watching your receipt at the grocery store be sure to check your bills - the telephone companies are real bad about adding little tidbits on your bills - like calls you didn't make, and since you live alone, and no one else uses your phone, they can't get by with trying to say that someone in my house made the calls - all of which are long distance - so watch them too, because they know that most people don't check - they just pay without looking


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 114 Posts
April 17, 20091 found this helpful

I had a friend who left a job in a grocery store because the cashiers were instructed to add the cost of a broom to people's receipts. If someone was prudent enough to check the receipt and came in to question the charge, the cashier was told to say, "That was your charge for this broom. I'm glad you came back in to get it." That is about as sneaky as it gets, so do beware.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
April 17, 20090 found this helpful

ksallen's post was right on target! So many people just blindly pay a bill without looking at it at all. My children are bad about going online and paying cc bills, etc. without checking them. My husband examines each and every bill and will call them about a nickel. We've found the phone company wrong many, many times and the cc company wrong sometimes. One cc company charged a mag. sub. to my card with the excuse that they had notified me they were sending me and charging me for the mag. UNLESS I sent back the "no thanks" note. When I called they said I must not read my junk mail! It took 2 months and several calls to get it removed from the bill, and the service charges for having a late bill! You have to fight especially when you're dealing with Discover. Our card is canceled.

April 19, 20092 found this helpful

I am a cashier at a grocery store. I scan the items customers put in front of me. All grocery stores have a certain person they pay to put all the prices in the computers. Every week they have to redo some of the prices for the items they have in the sale ad. So it is of no fault of the cashier, it is the person that is their only job of changing prices and making sales tickets etc. So like my self, I have no knowledge of the items they change day by day or week by week except what is in the ad. This is on going.
Thank You

July 24, 20141 found this helpful

I completely agree with this! I was once charged $67.00 for a $7.00 pack of pork chops. You can believe I went back and asked for a refund. You can never be too careful these days.


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