I have more than 8 different email addresses, split between cable provider, hotmail and gmail. With all accounts combined, I still get less than one spam per day - combined!
Pick a name that is unique. If you pick a name and have spam the very next day, chances are that someone has contaminated the user name before you. Put something in front of the name...
something like...
things that spambots aren't likely to come up with
Use one account as your "junk" account. Use that one to sign up for stuff on the internet.
Never post your email address online. If you must, you should post only your junk account (disposable when spam gets out of hand) in the following format...
myemail at myprovider dot com
Then instruct readers to change at to @ and dot to . and remove spaces. This thwarts the majority of spambots.
Give your "private" email address only to persons you know, not to companies unless you have tested them on a separate email address for spam first. Have a second account that you use for certain registrations and newsletters AFTER testing them on your junk account. Test them for 2 months before allowing them to know your "private" email address.
When your 'disposable' junk account starts accumulating spam, dump it for another.
By beanygurl from Winnipeg, Canada