
Prices Are More at the End of the Aisles

While shopping recently, I noticed 2 different pricings for the same item, I was about to purchase (waxed paper). On the shelf, where it's always kept in the paper bag, plate and plastic bag aisle, this product was priced at $1.07 per box. But on the endcap or display at the end of each aisle (a few aisles over) the very same size box of waxed paper was $1.17), a dime higher because of the convenience of not having to walk to find it elsewhere in the store.


So don't fall for these marketing ploys. Also, watch out for those special holiday baking displays, as well. Take the time to go hunt for the items in their original places down the aisles to make the most of your hard earned money!

By Terri

Editor's Note: I will certainly keep my eye on this. Generally speaking, avoiding the end of the aisle items is a good tip. From time to time, you can find great sale items at the end of the aisles but most often they put junk food and convenience items there.

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 214 Feedbacks
September 22, 20050 found this helpful

If the identical item is higher on the end aisle then..if you need it and decide to buy it...when you get to the till and if it rings through at the higher price is free to you...the price on the shelf does not match with what the till says and there is a store policy that all prices have to match with the till, if not and the till is higher than the shelf price the item is free to the customer up to a $10 value. If the item is valued over $10 then the customer will receive $10 off the shelf price. Some stores will not honor this policy unless you casually mention to them that the item is now free for you.


I don't know that the store raised the price just for the aisle display because there would be complaints by customers and therefore free items given away. I would say it likely was a mistake by the pricing crew that day.

By (Guest Post)
September 22, 20050 found this helpful

Dollar General and The Dollar Tree stores have waxed paper for a buck. Stock up there!

September 22, 20050 found this helpful

I agree that it could have been a pricing error when they put up the display because if it's barcoded, the computer likely can't tell that it was at the end of the aisle. The UPC number would be the same unless it's a different product.

By Sharon in NC (Guest Post)
September 25, 20050 found this helpful

I think there was a mistake made when the sign was created for the display.
On the east coast, it is unusual for an item to be featured on an end or side display at full price at all unless it was done intentionally as a tie in with a sale item. The ends and side displays are reserved for the featured sale items in that week's ad and are where you will find the best deals in the store!


The employees in our grocery store chains spend a huge amount of time and effort moving products around the store and building new displays every week the day before a new sale starts. Trust me when I tell you, it is a ton of work involving hundreds of items in the store, and sometimes (as with all things) mistakes happen.
If you encounter what you believe to be a price discrepancy, the best thing you can do is to politely point it out to the manager in charge of the store at the time. Any good manager will make sure you get the item at the price in your favor (or free, depending on the policy at that chain of stores). In addition, they will appreciate having the error pointed out so that it can be corrected for the remainder of the sale.
Another thing our grocery chains do is price matching. We have several competing chains in the immediate area and if you bring the sale flier in from a competitor, they will honor the price even if they do not have a particular item on sale that week. Ask a manager or at the service desk in your grocery store about the price matching policy. If they do match competitors' prices, it can save you time and a lot of gas money!


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