
Planting Vegetables in Alabama?

We are moving to Alabama in about 2 weeks. We will have a nice big backyard that I would love to do a little vegetable gardening in. I also would like to plant a couple of fruit trees. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what fruit trees grow good in Alabama. Also which vegetables would be the best to try. Will I be early enough in mid to late June to plant?


Hardiness Zone: 7b

Beth from Alabama

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June 5, 20080 found this helpful

I live in zone 8 in Alabama and you could still plant peppers, tomatoes, squash, eggplant and okra in June and July, but if you are planting in an area that has not been prepared consider planting in containers and prepare your garden area for fall by tilling and adding compost and/or composted manure. You will have happy plants and better success. In Sept/Oct you could start planting broccoli, cabbage, collards, brussel sprouts, carrots, beets and possibly lettuce. All these grow well in cool weather but the warmth in fall helps the plants get a quicker start.


Contact the local nurseries to see what fruit trees to plant, peaches and pears come to mind as possibilities.

June 6, 20080 found this helpful

I'm in north GA zone 7 gardening in the red GA clay. You could probably still have time to plant lots of your favorite summer veggies, maybe start with older or larger plants. Watermelon, cantalope, squash, tomatoes, okra, beans etc. Cooler months I grow broccoli, onions, radish, lettuce, spinach, cabbage. You have a long growing period and can harvest veggies up until late late in the year. For fruit trees, I grow figs, almonds, filbert, pecan, apples, and blueberry bushes here. If you're further south in AL you may be able to grow some citrus too.


Good luck!

By jodi (Guest Post)
June 6, 20080 found this helpful

Have you tried the site ? Just type in you zip code an they will show you the dates to plant everything. Has lots of info. A very interesting site.

By k w (Guest Post)
February 24, 20090 found this helpful

Search for your question,good luck.


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