
Fiberglass Tub Has Yellowed?

How do you make a yellowed fiberglass shower look white again? Mine is 22 yrs. old. At one time I used Gel Gloss for boats. Nothing seems to work now.


By rmm9356 from Buffalo, NY

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April 27, 20091 found this helpful

I don't have an answer for you but I certainly know your pain. I have two showers that need the very same thing. I will be looking back on your feedback to get some good advice for my bathrooms too.

April 27, 20090 found this helpful

It could be soap scum that needs to be cleaned. If it is not that you can look in the yellow pages under fiberglass and find people who can refinish fiberglass. tubs and showers. Or have a new fiberglass liner installed by Bath Fitter. Also found in the yellow pages under baths

May 21, 20180 found this helpful

Im sure its not just soap scum they are asking about. The top rim of a garden tub has yellowed over time with no one using it. Nothing seems to bring it back. Marine, RV or auto products.


Any help other than someone saying soap scum is appreciated.

August 19, 20180 found this helpful

I believe the question is how to remove the yellowing from aging fiberglass or plastic? I stumbled onto a video about this on Youtube but it's a video only chemist's should watch. In that video he refers to using Sulfuric Acid and creating a chlorine mist, or something very lab-worthy... so unless you are a chemist maybe replacing the tub or shower is best or atleast safest option (though painting might work too?)?

May 4, 20090 found this helpful

Have you tried Bar Keeper's friend? That's what I use to clean my tubs. I have hard water. You will find if you sprinkle it on, add some water and brush it on, leave for a while, 15-20 mins come back and with little scrubbing you'll see results. Although, not sure where and how much yellow you have in/on your tub. Also BKF works great on glass(like the shower doors), polishes brass, stainless steel,porcelin and more!


Check out their web site...barkeepersfriend,com
Good luck
Jennifer CA

January 21, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer

Do NOT use scouring powder on fiberglass or plastic as you will ruin it with scratches! That will only make things worse. This solution is only for porcelain.

May 7, 20090 found this helpful

Fill tub with hottest water, add dishwasher detergent - half a box (or a lot of it), OR add oxyclean, stir, let sit for a long time, maybe an hour or till the water cools. Do this over and over if needed. It will whiten more also, after draining. It works! I use this also for my whirlpool tub and run it for 30 or more minutes.

May 11, 20090 found this helpful

I remember this happening to a house we had when i was a child. My mom used a melamine paint. BUT first you must sand the surface with a tough grit sandpaper then wipe off all dust and clean the tub with straight bleach no dilution. then let dry at least 12 hours.


Paint on at least two good coats and let dry 24 hours. Hopefully this works for you. [ if there is paint left from previous attempt then it will need to be removed with paint remover before starting]

June 24, 20110 found this helpful

My white fiberglass garden tub has turned yellow on the outside as well as the inside. The only places that did not yellow was where something was setting on it, i.e. home decor, and where the bathmat was. Those places are still white. Any suggestions please?

March 11, 20170 found this helpful

A scouring stick works. But it takes a lot of them. I was wondering if a restaurant style grill brick would work.

June 4, 20170 found this helpful

Grill brick will ruin the fiberglass with deep scratches!! Don't do it. Fiberglass needs polished to a shine not abraded into oblivion.

September 25, 20180 found this helpful

I'm buying the easy off fume free oven cleaner, and trying that first. If that doesn't work, I'm putting a large bottle of Saloncare 40 at the beauty supply.


The peroxide will definitely do the trick..its on YouTube.

November 21, 20180 found this helpful

Must watch to believe it..
No scrubbing
Instant- bright white. Like brand new
Spray on rinse off

You all/ and new who are trying to find something
are Welcome...

July 28, 20190 found this helpful

I used hydrogen peroxide and bright light from a led light. I wet the upper edges of the tub and lined with toilet paper. The slowly wet the paper with hydrogen peroxide. I basically mummified my tub in toilet paper. Then every day I applied my hydrogen peroxide to the dried paper. It took about a week. I also left on a bright LED light in the room. I was shocked that the tub actually turned white again. I peeled back a little area everyday to see how much it had whitened.


Once I was satisfied with the color I removed all the dried toilet paper. But I also installed a LED light over my sink to keep the room bright. I notice that the room being dark is what caused the problem. Everywhere I had a item on the tub turned very dark brown because no light got under it. In those places I contued to treat with peroxide till the color was fully restored.

September 1, 20190 found this helpful

How to whiten yellowed fiberglass bathtub


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