
Tomato Plant Help?

I had a very tall tomato plant and when I transplanted it outside, about 9 inches of the top broke off. Will it recover and grow, or should I just get another one?


Hardiness Zone: 8b

By orugun1 from Portland, OR

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June 20, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

If you have room you might want to plant another also, but I'd leave the broken one alone. It should be fine. Only if you haven't recently fertilized I would give it a little fertilizer. I prefer organic, or epsom salt, tomato plants like magnesium (scratch a circle in the soil around the plant, sprinkle it in, then water at the base).

Tomato plants are usually very tough and grow easily, very easily. I have been giving buckets of tomato plants away (volunteers from last years crop) on in my area. You might have one in your area also. It's a great place to rid, receive and at times even surprised relationships. It's a place where you post a wanted: Tomato plant, then see who responds. It's amazing the free help you can receive, and give.

June 23, 20100 found this helpful
Best Answer

Your plant will be fine unless it was damaged lower down, like at the base of the plant, as tomatoes are very tough. If you still have the top, put it in a couple inches of water for a day or two, then put it about 4 or 5 inches deep in good soil , and see if you can generate a new plant. I have done that, and also started late season plants from the "suckers" that come between the main stalk and a leaf branch.


This is not the piece that is coming out and flowering, but coming out right at the same place that the leaf stalk came out. They suck energy from the plant that is already blooming, and will most likely grow and yield a later crop of tomatoes. Give it a try.

June 17, 20100 found this helpful

It should be just fine. New shoots should start from the top soon!


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