If you have a teenagers who do part time work along with the chores at home. They make up to twenty five dollars per week, if you could kick in with them a few more dollars, you could start them off for the future. I did this with my two sons.
Contact a agent who has the smarts in the investment field. They can put away $25.00 per month. At first they won't like the idea.
But in a year they will get interest and dividends, after that they will save much more.
I started my sons of with a $25.00 per month account. After years go by and they see how it grows, you won't be able to stop them.
I put my boys through college and the little things
they wanted they had the money to help them get through. Never once did any of my boys come back to me for a loan. It was there if they needed it.
Now in the later years they both are married and had enough money to buy their own homes, never once asking us for anything. They both have good jobs and we are very proud of them.
By Charlie from HERKIMER NY.