
Are bugs bugging you this summer?

Mosquitoes love people who eat bananas, so you may wish to avoid bananas during mosquito season. A bonus tip: tuck a scented fabric softener sheet (unused) in your pocket or somewhere on you and you will be less bothered by bugs.


I own a campground, so I make a habit of knowing tidbits like this.

By garnetgirl9 from Stoughton, WI

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June 7, 20060 found this helpful

Not only do I avoid bananas as much as I can, but I also take an odorless garlic supplement every day. I went from dozens of bites a week to a couple the entire season.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 156 Feedbacks
June 7, 20060 found this helpful

We have a joke around here that mosquitoes are Michigan's state bird! Actually, a mosquito bite in nothing compared to a no-see-um bite! They itch unmercilessly and the smart little buggers get under loose clothing so you can get bites under your pantlegs and down shirt collars!


I will have to try the dryer sheet and see if that works on them.

By michelle (Guest Post)
June 25, 20060 found this helpful

help me!!! i have roaches in my house!!!! what should i do????????


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
June 25, 20060 found this helpful

We eat garlic AND bananas in our diet (hard to give up bananas, they are so full of potassium and great to eat before going out to do activities, ie dehydration) BUT I use vanilla extract on my pulse points, including ankles, and no mosquito bites!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 233 Feedbacks
June 26, 20060 found this helpful

Okay, when it comes to my house, I am PARANOID of infestations, particularly fleas because our neighbors got a lot of them thanks to a hay field in the back yard. My dog 's food has brewer yeast, and he is supervised outside, with a small window of time (he's susceptible to heat stroke) and I check him all the time for fleas (he apparently only has dry skin and mosquito/gnat bites!) The cleaner I use kills most little bugs, and I sprayed it on some ripe bananas near an open window (diluted formula: 2 drops for 16 oz) and not one bug was found on them....for 8 hours!


I spray the dog down with it before going outside (organic and good for skin) and he never gets bit by mosquitos/flies! Kelly -

By Willem (Guest Post)
June 28, 20060 found this helpful

For roaches, use Chinese Chalk, sold in SA.


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