
Symptoms of Blood Cancer?

Could you please tell me what the symptoms of blood cancer are? I have a hard time getting to my doctor and I was just wondering.

Karen from Ripples, New Brunswick


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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 168 Feedbacks
February 21, 20080 found this helpful

This link lists the symptoms of blood cancer.

February 21, 20080 found this helpful

If you are losing weight like mad. your appetite has dropped of ,feel tired all the time. But your best bet is to get to a DR. you maybe just anemic. Hope for the best and I'll say a prayer for you tonight.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 66 Requests
February 21, 20080 found this helpful

Big weight loss, like several pounds a week(because cancerous cells suck the nutrients out of food), headaches, vomiting, confusion, vision problems, skin rashes, easy bruising, pain in bones or joints, swelling in abdomen, night sweats, fatigue. As you can see, many of these are pretty vague. See your doctor just to put your mind at ease. God Bless, I will say a prayer for yuo.

By Dean (Guest Post)
February 22, 20080 found this helpful

Bllod cancer is also known as Leukemia. You can call the American Cancer Society and request a pamplet on Luekemia. It will be mailed to you at no cost or you can google blood cancer or leukemia and there will be a lot of information.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
February 23, 20080 found this helpful

It would depend on the type of leukemia and how far along you are. Symptoms might be as vague as some lumps in the lymph nodes, tiredness, and/or sensitivity to the cold. Symptoms that others have listed usually occur only after the disease has progressed a while. Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing until examination, tests, surgery, and/or biopsy are done. Symptoms often mimic other things. Two people with the same cancer will even have differing symptoms.


When you go to the doctor, be as thorough with background as you can. My husband's general practitioner, his surgeon, and all this pathology reports (markers) pointed in one direction--and they all told us the same thing. Because of one thing we told the oncologist at the first meeting, he did more lab work, and it turned out to be a totally different type of leukemia than initially thought. Take things one step at a time. God bless.


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