
Making Sour Milk From Raw Milk?

Why doesn't raw milk turn sour?

By jERZY from Ontario

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January 14, 20110 found this helpful

Raw milk does go sour, but it takes longer. If you want to make it sour just pour a little bit of lemon juice or vinegar into it, let it set for a few seconds and use it!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
January 14, 20110 found this helpful

And the lemon juice or vinegar ratio is 1 tablespoon per one cup of milk. It takes about fifteen minutes for it to begin to curdle.


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January 12, 2011

I have tried multiple times to make a sour milk from raw milk I get at a farm. I used to make it many times before, long time ago, but now it tastes bitter not sour. What am I doing wrong?


By BasiaG from CT


Making Sour Milk From Raw Milk

Sometimes cows will eat a bitter weed, it will make the milk bitter. How do you make the milk sour? I put a small amount of vinegar in mine. Good luck. (03/03/2010)

By kathleen williams

Making Sour Milk From Raw Milk

Mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with 2 cups of milk. Hope this works! (03/03/2010)

By Belle

Making Sour Milk From Raw Milk

I simply leave the milk in a container (covered with a clean cloth) out of the refrigerator until it goes sour. Depending on the temperature, this may take a couple of days. It will appear to go rancid and smell bad at first, but once it passes through this stage and the smell goes, it will set into a large curd. It is now ready. Keep in the refrigerator after it sours. This is best made with full cream milk. The cream rises to the top, so you can easily remove it after it has set. As well as using it for cooking, sour milk also is delicious as a cold drink, with a mild, slightly tart flavour similar to yoghurt.


Brenda in Oz (03/05/2010)

By Brenda Norrish



September 8, 20210 found this helpful

Hi. Hope you see this. Do you eat the curd or what do you do with it? Im tired of wasting our raw milk but I can only get it in a gallon from a local cow farm. Im trying to figure out how to make buttermilk, sour milk, maybe yogurt with it. But cant find full details on how to do so.
Thank you.

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