
Cats Using Garden Beds As A Litter Box?

How can I safely repel cats from using my garden as a litter box?

Hardiness Zone: 2a

By linn from Halifax, Nova Scotia


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July 17, 20100 found this helpful

When you next eat an orange or grapefruit or use a lemon, scatter the peel around the flower/vegetable bed. Cats don't like citrus.

July 17, 20100 found this helpful

Lay "chicken" wire or "rabbit" wire down in your flower bed. Since most cats will scratch a hole and then scratch again to try to cover the potty up, they are frustrated by the wire and will move on to a more kitty friendly source of dirt.


I hold the wire down with rocks or tree limbs. You could use any landscape decorative weight to hold it down. You will probably have to wait till fall or spring to lay down the wire so you don't ruin this years flowers.


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