
Making a Crochet Tube With a Thread Spool?

When I was a child, my Dad put 4 nails in one of the ends of a wooden spool that no longer held thread. I would use that and wind a string of yarn around it, then loop it over itself - I guess with a crochet hook - and that would result in a tube made out of yarn.


I don't remember how to start the item, how to do the weaving, or how to finish it.

I'm not sure how to describe my question, so I hope this was clear enough. Thank You!

Terry W.

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June 13, 20050 found this helpful

I agree, difficult to explain, but I'll try!

1st, tie a knot around one of the nails. Now just wrap the wool around the remaining nails, kind of making a loop on each nail.

Now, hold the wool over the nail with the knot, and
take a needle (or a knitting needle, or nail, etc...) and flip the bottom wool up over the top wool.
Turn your spool, hold the wool over the next nail, and flip the bottom wool over the top one, etccc....

To end it, we just took the 4 loops off the nails and sliped a piece of wool through all 4, securing the ends.

August 23, 20180 found this helpful

wouldyou show me now to do loops over the nails

By kelleno (Guest Post)
June 13, 20050 found this helpful

your description is fine. I think you put a lead of yarn through the hole then wrap twice around nails. Then pick up bottom yarn and lift over top yarn. add top yarn as bottom is used up this will start chain.


when you want to end, I think you thread yarn through all the loops on the nails then draw together and knot. What I don't remember is... what was made with the tubes of yarn other than belts?

April 27, 20171 found this helpful

First you have to place a long thread of yarn through the hole in the spool because you have to pull that yarn down after you work each of the four nails. Then you wrap the yarn around the four nails twice holding the yarn in place with your thumb. Work the first stitch by pulling the bottom of the two rows over the top row and the nail which secures the next three stitches . Work those three stitches and begin again and again by running two rows of yarn and stitching until you read your desired length of cording or rope

December 30, 20170 found this helpful

We used to coil the yarn ropes ,stitching them together to make a throw rug. When coiled and stitched,put a backer fabric on one side. Ray

By Ann4 (Guest Post)
June 13, 20050 found this helpful

I did this as a child too!! I think the directions are correct. They were fun but I don't remember making anything other than a hat for my cat and a braided-look rug for my dolls.

May 17, 20190 found this helpful

Yup, Mum hsd to buy the big spools! Seems to me Reliable Toys, Toronto made up a kit with a red turned spool. Why drive to Lachinecwhen yiu couldcraid the sewing basket!

By Carol (Guest Post)
June 13, 20050 found this helpful

It would be hard for me to explain this to you but you can purchase the unit with instructions at Michaels or JoAnn Fabrics. I don't think they are expensive. You can buy different sizes if you decide you want to make a larger tube.

By (Guest Post)
June 14, 20050 found this helpful

I think what your looking for is a (knitting knoby), used to make with 4 finishing nails in the top of a wooden spool. they can now be purchased made of plastic, with directions.

By hcamper (Guest Post)
June 14, 20050 found this helpful

There is a nice little book called Corking by Judy Ann Sadler that gives directions for getting started and a few little project ideas to make this a fun thing for kids. Go check it out. If you don't want to buy it see if your local library can get it for you. That is what I did. :) Have fun!

By Lori (Guest Post)
June 14, 20050 found this helpful

Hi All--Noreen Crone-Findlay has some beautiful handmade spools on her website. They come in different sizes, and she will even customize to your specs. She is a well known author and doll designer who uses these spools in doll making.


Check out her website--it's very interesting.

July 11, 20050 found this helpful

what can be made with the ropes of wool. I have several spools from when I was a child but I do not know what to do with the ropes made.

By JuneJED (Guest Post)
August 2, 20050 found this helpful

Oh the tangle web we all weave!!! This was to start our brains to think... The rope that is made by this is used for many things of course the bigger the spool the bigger the rope.. I have even used a potato chip can (ie Pringles) and have put little nails around the top on the out side edge of can just so each one has an opposite from it and cut the bottom out and used twine. or any thing that will be bigger in size and made ropes out of this and then twined them together and made seats for chairs and even rugs.


These are to be sewn together as you would rag or braided rugs you know you don't have to use yarn. try wire in 20 or some gauge that will bend easily and this will make a very nice looking (choker) sp,- necklace then take the jump rings and attach embellishments to this and a lobster-claw, or hook and snap ring for the necklace closing. And the list goes on and on. Jed

August 15, 20050 found this helpful

I also did this as a child, but I cant remember how to make the circle complete and make it come out even, anyone know how to do this?

By Annie (Guest Post)
August 19, 20060 found this helpful

I too used to do this. Four nails and attach the wool with a knot and go around the nails twice then a chrochet needle to take the first loop over each nail then wool around all four nails to begin again. The tube appears very quickly. Hope this helps.

November 13, 20090 found this helpful

If you still have not learned how to do this I have pictures that I can email you. Let me know.

June 23, 20140 found this helpful

I too couldn't remember how to start but still have my old wood spool with four nails. we would crochet (or knit) around rope... very thin on a typical thread spool, and use the long strong rope to crochet rugs. Now use rug yarn even though it is never as strong as the ropes.


We also used silk thread and made tubing we could whip stich onto edges for decoration.

October 31, 20180 found this helpful

i remember putting the thread down the spool and then carrying it around the four nails. When it got back to the first nail then we would have two pieces of thread and we would start carrying the bottom thread over the top thread and keep doing that. cant remember how to finish.


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