You and children of any age can make these simple "paintings" with just some bubble solution, bubble wands, food coloring, disposable cups, and white paper.

Items Needed:
- bubble solution
- bubble wands
- white paper (construction paper works best)
- disposable cups
- several jars of food coloring, water, and newspaper
Optional Items:
- paint shirts or aprons
- additional paper for a picture frame
- glue or tape

- Cover working surface with newspaper.
- Fill disposable cups 1/2 way with bubble solution. (One cup of bubble solution for every food coloring shade you have available.)
- Add several drops of food coloring to each cup of bubble solution. (Not only can you find red, blue, green, and yellow food coloring, but now there are neon colors like pink and purple!)
- Give each child a disposable cup filled with clear water, a piece of white paper, and a bubble wand. *At this time, an apron or paint shirt can be put on the child.
- Dunk bubble wand in the colored bubble solution and blow bubbles on the white paper.
- When done with one color, rinse bubble wand in the clear water and start with a new color.
- Blow as many or as few bubbles as you like. Drips and splatters become a part of the "painting". This craft can also be done outside, just hang the paper on a clothesline
- Optional: Cut a rectangle out of the center of a colored piece of construction paper. Glue or tape onto bubble print to make a frame.
A very simple craft for even the youngest child.
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By (Guest Post)
April 7, 20060 found this helpful
I like this project. My kid loves bubbles, i'm going to try this. Thanks.

April 7, 20060 found this helpful
How fun. Great to see kids doing crafts instead of
watching the tv!!! Looks like so much fun, I may
try it myself.
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