
Getting Rid of Rodents in a House?

I have a problem here that is really disgusting me. I have mice in my apartment, coming in and out from the radiator, going through under the box of my bed. The box spring isn't even 10 years old yet, but they eaten through the bottom.

My boyfriend caught 4 of them in a trap. Then last year one came out of the hole in the top cabinet near the kitchen ceiling. My boyfriend caught that one too.

Later I bought Riddex, it helped with the kitchen, but they are still getting in at the radiator. Sometimes I can't sleep, I get worried, you know. Next I bought peppermint oil that didn't help either. I'm gonna find another way to work with the peppermint oil, because I would like to sleep and relax. Please can anyone give me some other advice for how to get rid of them?


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April 18, 20110 found this helpful

Hello Marie Val - the invasion won't stop until you and yours (or your landlord if you don't own the place) can plug up the exterior holes that allow the mice to invade.

My suggestion is to consider this the first priority, then do what you can (traps - etc.) to eliminate the interior problem. Otherwise (as long as the mice have an unchallenged access) the invasive creepy, crawly, creatures are not going to be looking for other options beyond the walls of your home :)

If your landlord or landlady refuses to help with this problem, start keeping records (and references to specific events) of such rodent invasions and try to legally get out of the lease as soon as you can.

Mice are cute in cages and as they scurry about fields, but they are not roommates you should be expected to live with in the same structure if you are paying rent.

Good luck for getting rid of the unwelcome guests, but don't sacrifice your own sleep and sanity to stay in the same place if you are renting or leasing.

April 21, 20110 found this helpful

I had the same problem last summer, they came into my house through my garage. I finally got rid of them by putting out D-Con. It's trays of little green pellets. If you have pets make sure you put the trays where they can't get to them. I haven't noticed any smell from dead mice. I tried everything else including the things you plug into the walls, they didn't work. If you plug up the holes where they are coming in at with S.O.S. pads (steel wool) or aluminum foil that will help deter them also, they can't eat through it. Good luck.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 846 Posts
April 21, 20110 found this helpful

Besides what has already been suggested you might want to consider a professional rodent exterminator company and ask them for a guarantee/warranty.

Also, if there are mice feces or urine anywhere inside of your bed (which there probably is since you mention they've eaten through the box spring) please dispose of it and when you do make sure there is a sign on it stating it's not safe for human use! There are a handful of serious diseases you can get via air and touching from the feces and urine.

Also, when cleaning up the feces or urine dropping from anywhere else in your home be sure to wear gloves and a doctor's mask when doing so!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 450 Feedbacks
April 21, 20110 found this helpful

You can break a lease if the place is uninhabitable, which an infestation of rodents is. A mouse or two is one thing but you are over run with them. Make him get rid of them or move for the sake of your health, I really think the place is too far gone even for a cat to take care of.

April 21, 20110 found this helpful

Can you borrow a friend's cat. It really works.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 122 Feedbacks
April 21, 20110 found this helpful

I had this problem. Landlord would not help. My sister lived downstairs I lived upstairs. She caught 28 mice in one weekend. We moved out. The easiest thing to do is move.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
April 21, 20110 found this helpful

I read in mother earth news years ago that rats and mice have a one way digestive system. If you put out soda in a jar lid, they will drink and not be able to burp.

It's a clean, fast and effective way of killing them, but yes, plugging up the holes is the first thing.

Then literally drink them to death...

April 21, 20110 found this helpful

All you have to do is stuff steel wool into the holes the rodents use to enter your apartment. They will not chew/bite into the steel wool; therefore, they will not be able to enter your apartment. This works!

April 21, 20110 found this helpful

My advice is to get a cat, Unless of course you really dislike cats, or are allergic to them.
I had the same problem. I live in a second floor apartment too. When I moved in the apartment was very clean.. but mice and more mice kept coming in, Okay, tried the traps, One trap caught two mice at the same time! However the problem not solved. I got a cat, and then another cat, Fortunately both are demon hunters and no mouse dares to show its face now. Once they even tackled a fairly big RAT who sneaked its way inside, and disposed of that,
My cats are truly worth their weight in cat food.. and loved animal friends as well.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 337 Feedbacks
April 22, 20110 found this helpful

Plug the holes that you can with steel wool. Get a cat.

If you are renting an apartment, this seems to me to be the landlords job to stop up the holes and get an exterminator, but if that is not an option, you have to take your own action.


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April 18, 2011

I have rats and mice in my walls and ceilings. How do they get there? And how do I get rid of them?

By michele from Norristown, PA



Getting Rid of Rodents in a House

You can try poison, but I don't recommend it. They eat, run off, and die in your walls to stink up the place. Try a mouse trap or several around the place. Use peanut butter as bait. If you use a trap which has holes in the triggering mechanism for the peanut butter to get into you get more mice. (01/12/2010)

By Suntydt

Getting Rid of Rodents in a House

Get a cat. They may not catch the rodents, but it will scare them away. Our neighbor had a rodent problem after her cat died. So she adopted 2 new cats from a shelter and she hasn't had rodents since. I think the rodents smell the cats and just stay away. (01/15/2010)

By Lee Taylor

Getting Rid of Rodents in a House

I had my grandson throw a box of D-Con into the attic. I didn't notice any smell in the house afterward. (01/15/2010)

By Maya Lee

Getting Rid of Rodents in a House

The answer to a rodent problem is always cats. Cats are very non-toxic and natural. (01/16/2010)


By Louise B.

Getting Rid of Rodents in a House

There are several things you need to do to get rid of mice and rats. First, set traps or have someone do it for you. Peanut butter or cheese works good for bait.

Next, to keep from getting more, you need to figure out where they are getting in and seal up those spots. Mice can squeeze into very small cracks, so it may be difficult to find it. You may also have more than one spot where they are sneaking in.

Also, removing any water source will cause them to move on. Dripping pipes, water condensing on walls, etc. provide plenty of water for rodents. Good luck! (01/16/2010)

By Mary Nelson

Getting Rid of Rodents in a House

You can buy a poison called Bar-Bait. It comes in different flavors, and rodents love it. Place it near the holes, in ceiling vents, in crawl spaces, etc. The mice, etc. will eat it and die, but this stuff will dehydrate them so they won't rot and decay and stink in your walls. Please DO NOT use it if there are any cats that may find and eat the mice. (01/18/2010)


By susan

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