My baby boy, Ace has had it rough. We rescued him from the Humane Society 4 months ago. He is now 9 months old. We found out right away that he had Giardia (he was a stray). We are on the third round of medication for him, and he still has it. Our vet says they have never seen it take this long and it is taking a toll on the little guy.
Now he has been limping for 3 weeks, fluctuating between his right and left hind leg. Come to find out he has Luxating Patella, which is a knee problem that can lead to severe arthritis. I will not put him down. I took the responsibility of getting him, and he is my little boy. The only problem is it is at least $1700 a leg.
I refuse to lose him. I just lost my childhood dog 6 months ago, and I can't lose the puppy that fills that void in my heart. I live in Chandler, AZ. Any ideas on what I can do to find it cheaper or get some type of donations?
By danielle from Chandler, AZ
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Hi, I was discussing this with my daughter, and I think what we will do to raise funds is to go around to all the yard sales and buy games, jewelry, things that we can then take to the pawn shop and pawn or sell. Hope this helps!
This may sound obvious, and maybe you've done it, but in FL vets sometimes have money earmarked for people who need assistance. With the economic situation people are having to give up their pets because of lack of money when the get sick. An article in the paper said that sometimes people don't let the vet know they of their financial difficulties and if they did there is sometimes help.
We have been giving our dog Nu Pro silver for her arthritis and it is working within 2 weeks. She could hardly get up before giving this to her. Hope this helps.
You could try a university with a vet school. Often they have clinics for dogs & do all kinds of things for a lesser cost. I used to take my dog to LSU in Baton Rouge, LA for cataracts & liver problems.
Hi! We've been through our own problems with Giardia, and you might try looking up Miracle mineral supplement. We bought some for people troubles, but I have used it recently on a goat with a bacterial problem and it worked...and the price is right. Roughly $20.00.
Sometimes joint issues are caused or aggravated by environmental factors. If you are willing to try an alternative cure for a little while, even just while you try to figure out your funds, I would try putting her on distilled water to drink (some places in AZ have contaminated water) and put some dandelion root powder in her food. I have NEVER had a side effect from it and most animals eat it like crazy because it's a natural detoxifier. The other thing to watch out for is the amount of fluoride in your puppy food. We nearly lost our 4 month old Dobie when he was getting a double dose of fluoride and other nasties from our contaminated water plus the cheap dogfood we had him on. We did some detox and changed his dog food to a more expensive natural brand and he was miraculously "un-paralyzed". Best of luck!
I got a doxie from a shelter and within 5 days the back legs were dragging. He had ruptured a disc in his back. The surgery would cost $2,000. which I did not have. The shelter would take him back and would put him down. He has been on cage rest for a month and has been getting accupuncture and can now pull himself up on his hind legs. The vet says he will have a full recovery. I found internet sites very helpful and supportive.
Try googling help with veterinary bills. Also the HSUS has a list of helps. If your vet is AHAA certified, he can make an application for funds. There are a lot of options out there, you can even try asking for help on your facebook page. Good for you for not giving up, and good luck.
Try these, Google for more info. Best of luck!
Please give your doggie some Virgin Coconut Oil. He will enjoy eating it, and it is effective against guardia and much more! It would not surprise me if you saw a change in his other problem....I hope you will try it. You can get it reasonable at It is good for doggies and people!
I had an idea on raising donations for the needed surgery. If you know and trust the folks at your pet food store, ask if you can put a donation jar on the counter near the register. We haven't had to do it, but our local feed supply store (which is family-owned, and is where we buy our dog food) would do something like this and make sure no "grinch" stole from it!
If this is an option, I'd use a plastic mayonnaise jar and tape a pic of your "fur baby" with an explanation to the jar. As bad as the economy is, folks can still be generous!
This is a long shot, so please try the other excellent suggestions first--but I thought I'd mention it, because from your post you already have an established relationship with your veterinarian.
With the recession, many small businesses are operating on a shoestring, cutting costs wherever they can, and often reducing (or just not hiring) staff they really wish they had. This includes veterinarians, most of whom operate as small businesses.
If you're in a position to do it, you might try asking if your vet, or any others s/he could recommend, need office staff they can't afford. You're at least computer literate enough to be here, and perhaps you could volunteer in a vet's office enough time to offset the cost of your dog's health care. Even if you could volunteer enough to cover the vet's time and energy, and pay the actual cost of supplies used, you might be able to swing it.
This relies on you having time to do this, of course, but it might be an option if all the others fail.
Best wishes to you and your dog!
I would go to and see if there are any remedies listed for this ailment. Then I would also have a garage sale for the dog. Put a jar out for donations and have a bowl of cookies you made or bought wrapped in plastic by the jar.
If your birthday or anything is coming up ask for funds for the dog instead of presents. Also buy things cheap from garage sales and sell them through the newspaper or something of that sort. You could ask for contributions of other peoples things to sell also.
Some vets have payment plans and may be able to help that way or other programs. Check the humane society for any discounts or help they can be for you. Hope this works!
My prayers are with you. Keep us all updated on what you decide to do. Give Ace a hug and a kiss for me!
Hi Again, I came across this site and thought of you. Here it is.
Blessings, Robyn
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My 1 yr old puppy Gizmo just got Parvo last week. We have been doing out patient treatment for him but he's not taking it and needs to be hospitalized at a cost of about $1600.00. I have no job and my husband only makes $10 an hour. Is there anyway to get help paying for the bills? If we can't get help he'll die. So if there's anyone out there who knows of something for me to do I would love to hear it. Thank you and god bless.
By Monica from Tacoma, WA
I wish I could help you with the cost but we are only on Social Security. However, we had a dog who developed Parvo many years ago and our vet told us that massive doses of Vitamin C usually help. Worth a try and not real expensive. Good Luck and God's Blessings (06/05/2009)
By Pat
If you are near a college with a vet department, they often see dogs and the price, because you are working with students, is less. Good luck. (06/05/2009)
By Janet
Try some of the local rescue groups. Sometimes they will help with medical bills. (06/05/2009)
Contact your local ASPCA or Humane Society. Often they have a payment plan that they will set up with you for their services. Animal Cops showed a vet that used a new medicine that was less expensive that you give your dog at home every 4 hours. You might ask about that too. (06/05/2009)
By Cathy
I would suggest you to try MMS on your puppy. It kills pathogens in humans and pets such as bacteria, virus and fungus. It is highly effective, but not FDA approved. The inventor of MMS has cured over 75,000 persons with malaria in Africa and he says it does so in just 3 hours. I personally use it and know of many with chronic illness using it.
If you go to this link, it tells how MMS has cured Parvo in this dog.
My little brother's dog, a miniature Doberman, came down with Parvo. The doctor gave her a less than 20% chance to live. My brother gave her the MMS, and she got over the Parvo. It's a beloved pet. They all cried tears of joy. The vet said that the little dogs have an even harder time getting over Parvo than the big dogs. God bless. You can buy MMS and the activator on eBay. If you do buy MMS for you puppy, contact me and I will tell you how to use it.
Jim in Jax
By Jim