
Tiny Brown Flying Insects?

May 10, 2020

Identifying Small Brown Jumping or Flying Bug -closeupI found this little brown/yellowish bug on my pillow. It could jump or fly from one place to another really fast. Should I be preoccupied about this and what should I do?


Identifying Small Brown Jumping or Flying Bug
Identifying Small Brown Jumping or Flying Bug


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
May 10, 20200 found this helpful
Best Answer

This insect is called Collembola- or better known as Springtails. There are outside insects that come around more around moisture and heavy rains. They often venture indoors.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
May 11, 20200 found this helpful
Best Answer

The bugs you are talking about are springtails. They are very annoying and considering everyone is locked in their homes right now they are seeing more and more bugs coming in the home from outside. They are not so hard to get rid of and you can lay down some sticky flypaper to trap them and get them out of your home.


I would clean the area and vacuum them up. Then throw the bag out in the trash when you are done.

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

June 22, 2010

How do I get rid of little brown flying insects? There are millions on the outside of my house and they get in through the screens. Today when I was sitting in my car trying to figure out how to get into the house, they were all over the front and rear door, they started landing all over the car. I made it through and they were all over me and my hair. I've never seen this before.

I had my son-in-law spray all around the house last night and it made it worse, he tried to do it this afternoon and they started to attack him, so he quit.


By lori from Chaparral, New Mexico


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
June 24, 20100 found this helpful

For pity's sake! I've never heard of such a thing before. Bugs small enough to fly through your screen? I can't imagine, bless your heart.

First I'd say, because of the weirdness of your problem, would be to hire in a professional bug company. They could at least tell you what they are.

And who knows? Maybe they're from the foundation of your house or something serious.

Just FYI, I have problems with little flying things, but nothing like your problem. What I do is get a styrofoam plate that will hold 1/4"-1/2" of apple cider vinegar; so make sure that the plate has a lip on it.


Then I take lemon joy - must be lemon joy, I don't know why, but it doesn't work with anything else.
I squirt the lemon joy over the top of the vinegar; not drops but good size squirts.

I don't mix it, I just place the plate on the stoop outside my kitchen door where I like to read and where bugs like to eat me.

The first time I did this I was astonished by the number and different kinds of bugs that were in the plate that had drowned. Mostly little flying things I couldnt't identify, but also those horrible big black flies that had drowned. There were 16 varying sizes of just flies!

You might try it, but to tell you the truth, I think it would be just a band aid on a gun shot wound.

See if a professional will come out and give you a free estimate, they usually do. Then at least you can find out what they are.


Good luck.

June 24, 20100 found this helpful

It sounds like fruit flies, but I never heard of them doing this. Do you have fruit trees? We have sand fleas or gnats in FL that get through the screen, and Raid Flea Spray kills them efficiently.

June 25, 20100 found this helpful

Lori, I live in Chaparral also and I am having same problem the last two days. All the sudden they are ALL over my house on Sagewood Drive. I don't know what they are and they are getting so thick and jump on you when you try to do get anywhere near them. They have gotten in my living room through a loose screen and now I can't even open my windows.


I googled this and found your post. If you have found out anything please let me know and I will do the same for you. We are gonna try and fog under our house tomorrow and see what that does. This is crazy. You can email me directly at

June 27, 20100 found this helpful

I want to thank everybody for all your input, I found out that the bugs are call Chinch bugs, and what a nightmare they are.

June 27, 20100 found this helpful

Expert: Swarm Of Tiny Bugs Hard To Get Rid Of
Monica Balderrama-KFOX News Reporter
Posted: 5:14 pm MDT June 23, 2010
Updated: 6:00 pm MDT June 23, 2010

EL PASO, Texas -- On Tuesday, KFOX reported on a Lower Valley resident, Yolanda Hernandez, who said her home was being invaded by tiny insects.

KFOX took a sample of the insects to an entomologist with Texas A&M AgriLIFE Extension.

Dr. Salvador Vitanza said the bugs, called a false chinch bug, like moisture and you'll find them in weeds and grass. He also said they're hard to get rid of.

Hernandez suspected that already because she said she tried everything to get rid of them.

Vitanza said the bugs reproduce by the zillions. He said they stay around weeds and if those weeds are cut or dry out, the bugs will move to a different location.

"If a house is in the path of migration, they're may enter the home, but they're not going to feed on anything in the home; they're not going to harm anyone," said Vitanza.

He said calling pest control or spraying insecticide won't work. It might kill some of them, but they'll be back, which is the fear Hernandez had. But, he said, you can vacuum them up or just wait.

"The situation should die down in a few weeks. They don't last forever, usually in a couple or three weeks they should be gone," said Vitanza. Copyright 2010 by All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

September 14, 20110 found this helpful

Do the bugs all of you are describing look a lot like tiny 'junebugs' (adult grub worm)? I have a trail of dead beetles (could be what is leaving the trail & died due to pesticides, but there are some a bit larger as well as the current invaders), dried corn (from squirrel corn dropped by squirrels outside), dry dog food (we have an inside dog, food is kept in an air-tight bin, but she always leaves a few morsels on the floor but never in closets, under fridge, stove,washer, dryer, bookshelves, along the eves of the cabinets, and finally the back corner of a closet...).

I sweep/vacuum just about everyday, lately it has been everyday and sometimes twice! I have been finding bits of straw wrappers and other small pieces of paper/wrappers a lot! Yesterday evening I swept & mopped very thoroughly. At 3pm when I came home there is little bits of string and food crumbs/flakes, bits of paper and trash, that had not been in the inside trash can for 4 days! The wrapper bit from the last granola bar I ate 5 days ago & had been put in large outer trash can!

We don't leave food out, we have all tile floors and a few area rugs as well as leather couches that have holes and grit and food and trash etc. They are 4 yrs old and ruined. We take our shoes off on porch then strait to their place in bedroom. I buy the 2nd best of the 4 hepa filters (3mo) and I replace it every month. I always touch up the caulk when and where needed.

I have a strict **no outside toys come in & no inside toys go out**. Wet bathing suits are taken off on the back porch then straight to washer, or left hanging outside to wear later. My husband is a tug captain and works a 2wk-on/1wk-off schedule so i do this all alone! A long story long, I need advise, a cure, solution, suggestions, directions, definitions, how-to's, diagnosis, and most important, info, and more info pretty please!

You can't see but I am on my knees, hands folded, begging, and crying with the whole giant alligator tears and a just a tad bit of mascara streaming down my once happy, life-lovin', baseball playing, down 'n dirty, do it yourself, 31 year old face. I have, not a day in my life been bothered by bugs and dirt and poop and now I am so uncomfortable in my own home that I take pride and work hard for.

F.Y.I. - Not ants, roaches (have only even seen two cockroaches in 10 years, both dead in the attic: son was given an x-mas ornament "cookie" I thought it was fake. I packed away and found in x-mas box the following year. 1 year later the drain pipe from the a/c pan in attic broke & 7 a/c companies & 10 a/c men later, all telling me that it stopped up because I didn't pour bleach in it every month or I'm not changing the filter, or (my favorite due to the fact that there is no leak), that it needed 8 lbs of freon because it went low, meanwhile the wood under the a/c was swelling with water. I kept all my pans up there and set my alarm even at night to change out pan.

About 6 months after I found the problem and rigged until my next opportunity to give away $165-$210. I opened the attic door and a dead one fell to the floor (3 years ago). I have been spraying 1) farm grade pest& mite Gordon's permethrin-10 >farm grade pest& mite>. Ihad mite infestation before trail appeared due to an infested bail of hay, entire acre, coop, hutches, laying boxes, feed, my house & most food was infested-2-3weeks apart.

Also everything had to be sprayed multiple times then washed the entire house-top-to-bottom, as well as burning any grass, hay, wood etc, & finally soaking the entire acre, coop, hutches, etc & treating all animals. I even had ducklings hatched in the incubator with itchy rashy looking places missing fluff, & mites got into the eggs even and we lost 18 out of 20 full term ducklings. 2) Sulfer -to repel snakes & spiders & anything else 3) malathion & 4) diatomaceous earth (wow wonderful! Kills a fly in 2 hours & can be mixed into feed for livestock, chickens, rabbits, ducks, etc).
Please if you know anything I'm at your mercy.
Thanks in advance,
Lightina Match

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April 17, 2020

I have this bug in my house. Please let me know what it is.

Thank you.

Identifying Small Brown Flying Insects


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
April 17, 20200 found this helpful

Tineola Bisselliella- Known as the common Clothes Moth. They love natural fibers, particularly wool. They eat through fibers/clothe materials!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
April 17, 20200 found this helpful

Pantry moth:

A good house cleaning with the hottest water you can usually gets rid of them.

Look for gaps in doors and windows to keep them out.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
April 18, 20200 found this helpful

Definitely a Pantry Moth (good picture).

"A pantry moth is a meal moth found commonly in the United States. Sometimes pantry moths are referred to as 'Indian meal moths' as well. They stand out from other moths due to their love for stored foods typically found in the pantry or cupboard.'
Most likely everyone who has a kitchen (and cooks) has had some of these at some time or other as they are in so many food products when we bring them home from the grocery stores as well as coming in from an outside source.
It is a constant battle to keep these nuisances from becoming a problem but keeping/storing food in sealable containers is usually the easiest and safest way to control them.

"Pantry moths are small winged insects with grey, brown and tan hues. They most commonly are found indoors, in locations where food packaging is stored such as: kitchens, stores selling food, food processing plants. They are known to cause terrible damage to food, spoiling it as it becomes invaded by pantry moths' larvae."

You can freeze any unopened uninfected packages to kill the insect and larvae. Leave in freezer for several days, Some people place their food containers in their freezer immediately upon bringing them home.

It is best to do your spring cleaning with a start in your pantry or wherever you keep/store your food. These moths are very destructive and can eat through cardboard, any kind of paper, Ziploc bags, and even some plastic. That is why you have to keep packaged food in heavy plastic or glass containers.
If I find even one of these 'bugs' I start at the top shelf of my pantry, remove everything to a counter so I can inspect each container. Then I clean the shelf with a solution of vinegar and water, wait for it dry and then I sprinkle a small amount of ( DE) before placing inspected containers back on shelf. This is a good time to inspect everything and throw away anything that is too far out of date and anything that has any sign of bug infestation.
Just follow through on each shelf and then smile, sit down ,and have a nice cup of ???

There are numerous sites that have excellent instructions for getting rid of these pests and sometimes they have different, more understandable information. I have listed a couple just in case someone is really interested in trying different things. Most sites will be advertising their product but buying is a matter of choice as nothing is really necessary but a good cleaning.

April 18, 20200 found this helpful

It's called a stink bug. They come in through the cracks of your window or AC . they start coming in the months of late August- October. I read to spray soap water or winder to keep them away. They are harmless but yet annoying. I hope this will help you out.

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October 10, 2022

What is this very tiny flying brown bug?

A tiny brown bug on a white surface.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
October 10, 20220 found this helpful

These look like gnats. Try to trace where they are coming from and spray with insecticide.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
October 10, 20220 found this helpful

I'm sorry but your picture is not clear enough to identify this bug.
You may be able to visit your local Ace or True Value Hardware store and discuss your bug problem with one of their clerks.
I have always found their clerks very nice/helpful and knowledgeable about house and yard insects.
They will want to know where in your house you are seeing these bugs;
how often and how many are you seeing;
do they bite;
did you bring something new in the house recently - plants?
Do you have living plants in your house?
Check your plants for gnats also.
They will need this information to help you find a way to exterminate these bugs.
A close-up picture might be good also.

October 19, 20220 found this helpful

Bread, or biscuit beetle (Stegobium paniceum)
'Adults are nondescript, brown beetles that are oval in shape and measure a few millimeters in length'

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

May 26, 2009

I have tiny brown hard bodied bugs with a body and then a head attached. It has front antennae.


June 22, 2010

All of a sudden I have these flying brown hard shell bugs that don't bite and are very annoying. They fly and land on me all the time.


September 16, 2009

I too, have been having trouble with the little brown flying bugs in my house. Recently, I purchased a new refrigerator.


March 29, 2009

I really don't know what kind of bugs these are, which is probably why I'm having trouble getting rid of them. They are very small and look like brown specks.

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