Having been recently diagnosed with high cholesterol I have decided to change some of my eating habits, along with exercise and having to take Lipitor. I have divided the 7 days of the week as follows for my main meal:
- Fish: consume 2 times per week.
- Chicken or turkey: consume 2 times per week.
- Pasta: consume once per week.
- Veggie meal: consume once per week.
- Red meat: consume once per week.
- I have started walking 2.5 miles 3 to 4 times per week.
- Switch to 1% milk (I tried skim, but detested it and also tried soy and hated it).
- Eliminate as much as possible of animal fat. Consume whole grains, fresh fruits, veggies, and limit eggs to 2 per week.
- Include ground flaxseed into either fat free yogurt, cereal or salad.
- I have banned all soy products from my house as I recently became aware of their affinity to stimulate estrogen, which in turn is a factor in breast cancer.
Happy cholesterol lowering!
By joesgirl