
95th Birthday Party Ideas?

April 30, 2008

A woman celebrating her 95th birthday.I'm looking for ideas for my mom's 95th birthday party in August 2008. The party will be in the fellowship hall at her church. There will be approx. 80 people.


Jean from Virginia


May 1, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Have everyone bring (or send ahead of time) memories and photos about your mother. Assemble a scrapbook at the party.

Other than that, have elegant yet simple, vintage tablecloths and vases with fresh flowers (preferably from someone's garden). Maybe also use fresh produce from friend's gardens.

Have a potluck with favorite old recipes which they should bring and include in scrapbook.

You could also ask each family member or guest for a quilt square (could be as simple as permanent marker on white cotton square).

Don't forget to have her favorite music. The theme could be "Memories and Blessings"

By Lois (Guest Post)
May 2, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

For my Mother`s 95th birthday party we took digital pictures of her and made 50 copies on the computer. We gave her stamps and she sent them out to her 50 descendents in her Christmas cards.


She loved the idea. She was the star of the show and did not do any Christmas shopping.

You could ask each guest to bring one beautiful flower. She would have a nice bouquet.

By Aubrey from Maui (Guest Post)
May 9, 20080 found this helpful
Best Answer

Not sure if you're familiar with Shutterfly, but I thought it might be nice to gather photos of your mother throughout the years and print poster sized photos to be displayed in the hall. Shutterfly will ship the poster sized photos to you at a fairly reasonable price (

Also, you could use a "Fruit of the Spirit" theme and make fruit basket centerpieces labeled with "joy" "peace" "longsuffering" etc.

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August 17, 2017

My mom is in a nursing home. She has dementia. We do a small party for her every year. However, this year it will be her 95th. We want to have a theme, do party favors, etc.

The cake we always have made is low sugar due to diabetic folks there. Any ideas out there for a theme? party favors? anything?


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 17, 20170 found this helpful

I would have a low-key party. I would bring things that gave her pleasure in her younger years, such as special food, photos or music. Try to avoid photos of people who have passed away.

August 17, 20170 found this helpful

Why not give her a party with the music of her time, and have special things around that she had at that time. See if you would be able to make any special foods she liked at that time, any pastries like cake and cookies and if you can find it candy of her time, if you can't try making homemade fudge.


If you decorate for the party why not do it in her favorite colors.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 949 Feedbacks
August 17, 20170 found this helpful

Seems like anything from the past that is available would be very good although she may not remember everything it is possible things from the past would be more pleasant to her.
Since she is in a nursing home I'm sure smaller things would be easier to deal with so maybe several people could dress in old style clothes (of her younger days), hair dos of that era, even shoes if possible. Music from her younger days as well as whatever foods she liked the most. Also, maybe some of the younger ones could do do a small performance or dance to her music.


Party favors are plentiful and inexpensive so why not pay a couple of visits to the Dollar Tree and see what they have. Just using her favorite colors may bring a smile.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 409 Answers
August 17, 20170 found this helpful

I would bring photos, anything that might remind her of her family and life. People with dementia often get afraid if too much different is going on. You can make it festive, but not so much that she gets upset.


Silver Answer Medal for All Time! 424 Answers
August 17, 20170 found this helpful

Have a "Pajama Party" every one have a bed pillow and just sit around and talk about the "good o' days"


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 17, 20170 found this helpful

I would keep it rather simple for her. Maybe find an old record player and a few old 45's to bring with you. If your mom liked country/western music, then make it a country/western theme. Choose the theme around your mom. You have to be careful what foods you serve.


I sort of like the idea of setting up the lunch room like a drive in movie. You can find an old film that your mom loved and play it on the big screen. Then it would be possible to serve milk shakes, burgers and fries like they were at a real drive in.

August 17, 20170 found this helpful

I took care of my hubby's Aunt and she loved having a party. We took everything into the place she stayed and even downloaded the music from way back. As we played the music, everyone wandered in and we had party hats and favors that small children would love. She may not know who you are (I was always my Mother in Law) but they all had a ball. They shuffled around and got them moving. Just because she doesn't have a memory of anyone, she is still young at heart. The second one we did about the same, but we bought Happy meals for the bunch..


Nurses were there helping and I believe those that were there still remember the day, we had so much fun. Bring your camera and know she is still alive and just has more of a childlike view of the world. Enjoy your time. I even made a hat for her door. She took that off and wore it. I know I would do this all over again if we still had her. God Bless and Enjoy and make time for a visit. She will make a new friend each time.

August 18, 20170 found this helpful

Research events from the year of her birth. Include her birth as the biggest event.
Write 95 on inflated balloons.
Enlarge photos of old photos of her
Consult the facility's director for ideas


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,246 Posts
August 18, 20170 found this helpful

My father has dementia and I have recently realized that nothing makes him more happy than to spark up old interests of his from his younger years. Favourite music, movies, even styles of clothing. Gather all that information and have it around for her special day. Happiest birthday to her!


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 255 Posts
August 23, 20170 found this helpful

I would use the them of 95 years. Have pictures of that time era, old family photos and such, and music that she grew up with.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 433 Posts
August 31, 20170 found this helpful

I would do a photo table of her younger years.Put out a memory jar write on it who has a good memory of your mom have them write it down.Do the price is right what you think it cost in 1926 like bread, milk,gas etc.Give a prize to who ever gets the most right.Do a photo bucket with all her grand children,use sticks or dowels and attach just the heads of each grandchild stuck in floral foam.Go to pin interest for great ideas.

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