- Make paper characters - either ink bottoms with magic marker or ink pad. Then apply the character outline to paper or paperboard. Decorate to your taste. From there, you have got yourself a movable figure or a refrigerator magnet and whatever else you may come up with.
- Cookie Cutters can create holiday ornaments by pressing and cutting out figures from the Styrofoam platter that comes under your meat from the supermarket.
- There are some cookie cutters that can stand by themselves. You could fill in and glue on to skeleton to use as figures for your own little stage play atop of and old game board.
- Make a wind chimes from a bunch of plastic cookie cutters.
- Make a suncatcher for your window using the cookie cutter and cutting out to fit a plastic cup lid. Then color with magic markers. Fit inside the cookie cutter and hang in a sunny window.
- Cookie Cutter Mud Cookies. Apply the cookie cutter to mud, let dry and there are your mud figures. Maybe you could decorate your outside planters.
- Cut and glue pieces of colored magazine pictures to your cookie cutters. Hang on walls in a scene display.
- Make badges or brooches from your cookie cutters super glue a paperclip to the back to fit over shirt pocket.
- Cookie Cutter toast and pan cakes. Create after food is cooked. You should use the metal cookie cutters to create those edible forms.
- Cookie Cutter counted cross stitch frames - Imagine all the different figures. Better then those bought expensive kits. You can do these with just left over material.
I hope I helped and now you turn on you creativity and come up with more reuses of those COOKIE CUTTERS. Happy Thinking And Creating
To You From Mr. Thrifty from Shermans Dale, PA
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June 28, 20060 found this helpful
I had to show my son's Tiger Scout Troop about scrapbooking. I found mini scrap books on sale at Walmart for $0.25 each. I then took cheap cookie cutters and had them use for templates for cutting out their pictures.
They just traced the outside or inside of the cookie cutter on their picture with a marker and then they knew where to cut.
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