
Using Super Glue for Minor Cuts

Tube of super glue.
One of the original uses for Super Glue was to close wounds on the battlefield. While a cyanoacrylate is functional for this purpose, it should only be used in emergency situations as the glue can be a skin irritant. Neither the Super Glue or Crazy Glue companies recommend using their product for closing wounds.

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January 17, 2011

Super Glue For Minor CutsWhen you cannot get a cut or wound on a pet to stop bleeding and you have tried absolutely everything, try super glue!

Our Great Dane was bleeding profusely from the tip of his ear, and we could not get it to stop. Literally, blood was everywhere. Of course, we live in a very rural area and it was at night. There is no such thing as an emergency vet anywhere close.

We had used a styptic pencil (we didn't have any styptic powder), bread, paper napkins, flour, New Skin, and we even tried cauterizing the wound. Nothing staunched the flow of blood. We were beside ourselves and quite frustrated. We also were concerned that our beloved Charlie might bleed to death.


I was wracking my brain and talking with my sister-in-law. She asked if there was a small flap of skin that I could just stitch together. There wasn't, but I did, almost jokingly, say I could super glue the ear. At the same time, my sister-in-law said, "You know, they do use super glue to glue cuts together and in surgery sometimes."

In desperation, after once again cleaning the ear, I super glued a small piece of paper napkin to Charlie's ear.

Guess what, after literally several hours and a lot of anguish, the bleeding stopped! We were finally being able to look closely at Charlie's ear without all of the blood. We discovered that the wound was right at the tip of the ear and that a small blood vessel was opened at the wound site.

So, when nothing else works, remember, you can stop the bleeding with a paper napkin and super glue.

By Avery Davis-Fletcher from Langley, OK

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

January 17, 2011

If you get a paper cut use super glue to get it to stay shut. Also for a small cut that might have required a stitch or two, first use butterfly sterile strips for a day then that evening remove bandaids and top the cut with super glue. You may have to repeat the covering a time or two, but this will be waterproof and better then messing with wet bandaids all the time. Also cheaper then my $100 copay for emergency room stitches.

By Melanie


Super Glue For Minor Cuts

A nurse I know says that Super Glue is toxic. I'd be very careful!! (02/05/2005)

By Brenda


Super Glue For Minor Cuts

Just used super glue yesterday to seal and hold together a deep reef cut on my left foot. First, I thoroughly cleaned the cut, then applied the glue directly into the wound and pinched for thirty seconds. No pain, redness, or swelling, thus far. (05/08/2006)

By Micah

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

Actually, super glue is non toxic (05/08/2006)

By Mojo

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

As long as you don't apply it to the inside of the wound it is a safe and very effective method. Only coat the edges of skin that can be laid evenly over each other. Before gluing you must clean the cut of all dirt completely with hydrogen peroxide and rinse. (10/14/2006)

By Atom

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

I use SuperGlue on cuts (some that look like they might need stitches) and I have always been fine. The last time I had a little reaction, but I didn't clean the wound beforehand so I think that had everything to do with it. (03/02/2007)


By TripKidSanDiego

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

You wouldn't want to eat super glue, but it's great for closing small cuts. I've had a gash on my knee glued shut as well as some cracks on my feet. The glue that the hospital uses is a little more flexible than super glue, but otherwise it is the same. My podiatrist said that he uses it for paper cuts all the time, and told me I could reglue the cracks on my feet if the glue came off. It works great and closing the wound stops the pain. (12/03/2007)

By Jillian

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

Glued my finger shut after cutting it real good. Thought I'd need at least 3 or 4 sutures, but super glue worked great. (08/14/2008)

By skynyr

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

There is also a Skin Saver? version you can get with antiseptics in it! I prefer that. Great for blisters! (08/27/2008)


By pam munro

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

I have been using brush on Super Glue for minor cuts and abrasions now for 5 years. It is truly amazing how fast it heals and the pain is gone immediately. My kids never ask for a band aid, they say glue me! (10/09/2008)

By Heather

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

Super Glue was initially invented to be used in heart surgeries to repair minor tears. It's safe to use on cuts! (11/04/2008)

By Jonathan

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

I cut my upper lip trimming my mustache and could not stop the bleeding. I tried for over an hour so I had my kid put a drop of superglue as I held it together. It worked great, even mixed with the blood as it set up. (01/31/2009)

By Les G

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

A few hours ago I was in the kitchen and I was distracted at the moment and, BAM, sliced right into my index finger. At first, I ran it under water then wrapped it in napkins and it kept bleeding for a bit. I put some super glue on it and it has held it shut I can use the finger without feeling any pain. (09/13/2009)


By Jose

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

I used Super glue at the end of a rugby game to close a gash on the top of my head that I received from an opponents tooth that would have required 2-3 staples. After cleaning it with peroxide and antiseptic I applied the glue and have had no problems. (10/12/2009)

By a560800

Super Glue For Minor Cuts

My grandpa's doctor told him to use super glue on those nasty cracks he gets in the skin around his fingernails. (His hands get super dry in the winter.) At first my gramps thought the doc was joking, and he laughed at him. But the doc was serious! And it works like a charm! Now our whole family uses it for minor cuts. (10/12/2009)

By Jessica

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