
Removing WD40 from Walls?

I moved into a home where the previous owner used WD 40 on the door hinges to keep them from squeaking. Now I have oil residue on the walls behind the doors. How can I get oil off of painted walls?


By Dariece from UT

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August 20, 20090 found this helpful

WD40 is great unless it's where it's not supposed to be. I've had it on my floor when one of my kids was spraying something. Try a degreaser: shampoo or dish detergent would probably do it. Just use it neat, no water. Good luck

November 20, 20150 found this helpful

Worked like a charm.--Thanks.

August 2, 20190 found this helpful

Dawn worked great! I took a damp rag over my wall after I was done and I cant even see it was there

August 23, 20090 found this helpful

I'd try TSP (Trisodium Phosphate) according to directions, because WD 40 is the finest fish oil primarily, is flammable, and can be used for 100's of things it claims. If no luck, dust baking powder on it an wait an hour and wash up with warm soapy water, repeating if it seems to work or needs another try. : )

March 4, 20100 found this helpful

This may say strange using another oil to get it off but eucalyptus oil works well if not get some gumption from your cleaning isle it also works well with getting oil residue off too.


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