When smelly feet were brought up at a recent podiatry appointment for a man, the doctor told the wife that feet have sweat glands too. Foot odor can be helped. He advised her to use spray deodorant on them. She bought deodorant and the smell subsided from the feet. The amount you use can be controlled if you need more or less. Washing your shoes often will also cut down on smelly feet.
By gem from VA
This page contains the following solutions.
Keep an inexpensive container of solid deodorant where you first put on your shoes in the morning. Just quickly rub the deodorant stick over the bottom of your feet (soles and toes), before putting on your socks or shoes.
To remedy stinky toes, soak your feet in a pail of warm black tea many times. Wear sandals and air your feet.
I went to a foot doctor with my stinky feet. He gave me prescription for an antifungal to rub on the bottom of my feet. He also said if my feet ever stink again to put underarm deodorant before putting your socks on.
Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.
I have visited my doctor more than five times. I used different treatments such as: Ketoconazole cream and shampoo, Itraconazole tablets for a month, and clotrimazole cream and powder for a long time. In addition to this, I would change my shoes and socks a couple of times very day; I washed my feet two times a day. But I didn't get any solution. It smells even with in an open shoe. So please I need your experience.
By Solomon B
Here is a link I found that answers this question, as a matter of fact, there are many answers on this link.
Blessings, Robyn from Tennessee
Dear Solomon,
I treated a case like yours years ago, firstly, you may not have a a fungal infection at all but something called eczema, or psoriasis. Treat as follows:- use a coal tar shampoo on your feet its mild on your skin. Do not rub your skin, just pat it dry, be very gentle to your skin. If you have to wear socks only wear cotton or bamboo, bamboo has a natural antibacterial in it.
When you launder your clothes do your socks separately if you can, if not take them out after the washing is done and rinse them separately by hand, put a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda in the water, wring out and leave them dry in the sun again if possible. Do not use fabric softener, add white vinegar to the final rinse in the machine it gets rid of the soap residue, it makes your clothes softer naturally.
Try to expose your feet to the sun every day, it aids your skins recovery. Take all your shoes and wash them final rinse of bicarbonate of soda in the water, set in the sun to dry, at night dust the insides with bicarbonate of soda powder, vaccuum or shake it out in the morning before you wear them.
Lastly, look at your diet, there is probably something that is irritating your system, making things worse for you. I sincerely hope that this works for you, if not ask to be referred to a skin specialist and dietitian,
Take care, Honey.
Soak your feet in a strong solution of black teabags and hot water (as hot as you can stand) Use 6-8 tea bags (cheap brand works as well as expensive) and leave them in the water as you soak, rubbing your feet on them occasionally during the twenty minute soak. DO NOT rinse off. Dry them thoroughly(you may need a towel just for this purpose as the tea will probably stain) My dh swears by this and it seems to work. You may need to actually replace your shoes as odor tends to stay in ones like sneakers.
My partner suffered from this problem as well and I treated it with cotton swabs dipped in Tea Tree Oil. This was applied once daily at bedtime and has done the job for him.
Years ago the military used boric acid in their foot powder for stinky feet. If you take a tablespoon of boric acid powder and mix with a quart of water,then put in a spray bottle. Wash your feet before bed or after work. Sit down some where you can put your feet up, spray your feet (top and bottom) and let them dry completely. This should take about a week.
This has worked for two people I know that had smelly feet so bad they never took their shoes off until they got in the shower. One person had 3 pairs of work shoes. One to wear, one in the washer and one drying. His boss was so excited about the spay he told me "I don't care how much that stuff costs. Order him a big drum of it I'll pay for it."
First of all, if you are a cigarette smoker, quitting smoking will help immensely! (Believe it or not, I know it sounds strange.) Also, Naturally Fresh deodorant foot spray has helped me.
After I take my shoes off my feet and shoes smell awful. It stinks up the whole house. What can I do?
By Sue K.
one thing I have found that works is ater you wash your feet wipe them down with Watkins Red Liniment. It really helps cut down on the smell.
Baking soda in your shoes every night and a medicated powder in your socks every day. If your feet sweat, take a few extra pair of socks to change during the day. Before you change socks, dry your feet well, sprinkle more powder on your feet then put on dry socks.
Soak your feet in a strong solution of black tea and the hottest water you can stand for 20-30 minutes. Use inexpensive teabags (cheaper the better) to make the tea solution and leave them in while u soak. Every once in a while, rub your soles over the bags in the water. As others have said, do not wear the same shoes more than two days in a row. You also might try that clinical strength underarm deodorant but put it on your feet.
My husband's feet were the same way. He bought "ODOR EATERS" placed them in his shoes and his shoes and feet have been odor free.
When you are in the shower, scrub your feet good with a soft brush, such as you would use for your back. It gets the pores open. Be sure to get in between your toes.
Just sprinkle baby powder inside your shoes before you put them on each day. Your feet won't smell ever again.
Check the type of socks you wear. My husband's foot odor was eliminated when we switched him to cotton socks. After experimenting he can wear socks that are at least 80% cotton mixed with other materials but not more than 5% nylon. Spandex doesn't seem to be a problem but still, the more natural fabric, the better. Oh yeah, the new socks made of bamboo work well, too and they wear like iron! Also, try to wear shoes made from breathable materials when possible. Plastic or vinyl shoes just hold in moisture and promote odors.
Use Zeasorb AF Super Absorbent Antifungal Powder on your feet and in your shoes. Expensive medicated powder found online and at Walgreens.
Wear cotton socks. Alternate your shoes or boots.
My feet stink even after a shower, scrub, and massage, nothing helps?
By crazy eddiy
Soak your feet in Brewed Black Tea. Ten days of soaking for 15 minutes and then soak as necessary! Just saw it on Dr. Oz the other day
My son had such stinky feet, once on vacation we threw his shoes out the car window but we learned
Degree deodorant spray used for a few days stops it for months. Lots of luck.
Soak those feet for a min of 15 min in 2 quarts of water, 1 cup of kosher salt and 1/2 cup lemon juice. No need to wash feet after you soak. Just pat them dry. Make sure you wear 100 percent cotton socks so your feet can breathe. foot powder helps (i use my own homemade stuff which is baking soda and talc). Also, try not to wear the same shoes every day and keep a pair filled with foot powder while you are not wearing them. Wash tennis shoes and slippers often using washing soda along with your detergent. If your feet start getting dry from the lemon juice or powder, simply apply glycerin lotion before you put on the foot powder
I read on thrifty that rubbing alcohol works for under arm odor, works great, might work for feet.
A friend once told me "Zinc if you stink!". I'm not sure if it works but it's safe to try it!
I tried Pedisolix from germany anti foot odor product. Its realy amazing. 1 Appl. last up to 4 Month.
A very new way to cure stinky feet is the use of antifungal cedarsoles (insoles made from natural cedarwood). It works very well and is comfortable to apply! Unfortunately, you just find them in the internet.
My feet smell bad. I think that it is because of sweating too much on my feet. I have tried different medications and home remedies, but it is not working. What do you advise me to do? Thanks.
By David from VA
Sometimes our diet can affect the way that we smell, since many toxins are excreted through our skin.
Our foot doctor told my son to use his deodorant on the bottom of his feet before putting on socks.
Robyn is right. When you eat too much corn, your feet can smell like corn chips. Too much high fructose corn syrup and it can leach through our pours. Take a look at your diet. Good luck.
Make sure you always start your day with clean socks. Make sure you keep at least 2 pair of shoes, so one can dry while the other is being worn. Since foot odor is the problem, never wear your shoes without socks unless they are open, like sandals. If your shoes are washable, wash and air dry them fairly frequently.
Most sneakers are washable even if it isn't stated on the label or box, leather dress shoes usually aren't washable. Wear natural materials as much as possible-leather, suede, fabrics; NO plastics, vinyls, polyurethane, etc, they do not allow your feet to breathe. Your shoes don't have to be expensive-these days you can find great ones for a fair price-just look at materials labels before you buy. You have one pair of feet, take care of them. Oh, and foot soaks in black tea or vinegar in a basin of comfortably hot water are known to help. I hope this info helps!
Brew strong tea, cool, then soak your feet in this; it will help with the sweat problem, which may help with the odor problem. It's a cheap solution that works for many. Secondly, my friend's son was allergic to dairy. Whenever he ate dairy, his feet stank to high heaven. When he abstained from it, he had no foot odor. Do you have any food allergies?
If you soak your feet in epsom salts it will take away the odor and also the magnesium in them is good for your body. Most people are magnesium deficient.
My feet will stink at work even though I change shoes every day. They stink more with my shoes on and most of the time my shoes and socks don't stink at the end of the day. I suspect it is an internal problem. What can I do?
By Art
Maybe try some baking soda or cornstarch sprinkled into the shoes or sprinkle onto feet?
You may have athletes foot or some type of fungal or bacterial infection. I know a 5 year old girl that has the same problem. Even if she goes around barefoot in the house, the smell is huge problem. I would try seeing a doctor.
My girlfriend's son had this problem. It turned out he had a dairy allergy. When he cuts all dairy from his diet, the problem goes away. If his feet stink, his family knows he had some ice cream!
I read on a web site just a few days ago about this. Wash your feet and dry with a clean towel. When dry rub with stick deodorant bottoms, tops, and between toes. The person writing the article said it worked fine. Worth a try and it is inexpensive.
Hey Art, I have the same problem. What did you do to fix it? Please help.
This is a page about preventing stinky feet from Crocs. Keeping your feet from sweating is the best way to help prevent foot odor. Try wearing cotton socks with your Crocs, use foot deodorant, or wash your feet a couple of times during the day on hot days.
ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.
Stinky feet? I use the same deodorant that I use under my arms on my feet. It does the same thing. I like the spray type best for under the arms and feet.
Are there any concoctions out there for smelly feet while in the shoes?
What is the best remedy for your boyfriend's stinky feet?
My granddaughter is 10 and has such stinky feet. I have tried everything I can think of.