Step by step instructions for making cute gift pouches out of scraps of used pieces of cloth.
Approximate Time: less than an hour
- pieces of used cloth, the fancier the better :)
- thread and needle
- string, fancy ones, if possible
- beads for added decor
- scissors

- Cut two pieces of cloth having approximately the same breadth, the length of one, a little bigger than the other (one for the top and the other for the bottom).

- Fold the smaller cloth and make a small slit at its edge, in the middle. Sew the slit from both sides to make it wider.
- Fold the smaller cloth, place it at the top-edge of the other one, wrong side up and sew them together, such that when the right side is turned up, no stitches can be seen. Then run another line of stitches along the upper edge of the slit. (Please refer to the images.)

- Now, fold the cloth, wrong side up, and stitch the side and bottom, such that when turned the right side up, no stitches can be seen. Also take care to leave a small gap when stitching the side, for the string to pass through. (Please refer to the images.)

- Finally, put a piece of string through the slit, maybe put in a bead or two for extra decorations. And it's done!

Similarly, by using different sizes and combinations of cloth-pieces, and using two slits instead of one and two loops of strings through them a varied range of gift-pouches can be made :)

By Gunja from Kolkata, India