
Computer Shortcuts Using the Control Key

Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 172 Posts

Most average users know a few keyboard shortcuts such as ^C for Copy, ^X for Cut, and ^V for Paste, but here are three additional shortcuts that many folks under-utilize. If you spend a few moments learning them, you'll find them incredibly useful.


Note: When I write ^C it means to press down the Ctrl key and while holding it down, press the C key. You then release both together)

The first is ^A. This selects (highlights) everything in the current window or field. So for example you want to copy this entire article into an email, hit ^A to select everything then ^C to copy it to the clipboard. Open your email and then type ^V to insert it. Try ^A now, it should select this whole web page. Click anywhere to remove the highlighting. ^A is also really useful when you want to delete the contents of a form field or dialog box. Just hit ^A then Delete. I use it a lot to clear the address box in my browser.

The second handy shortcut is ^Home. This takes you to the top of a document or web page. Similarly ^End takes you to the bottom. It's much faster than scrolling. Try it now.


The third shortcut is probably the most useful of all. It involves using the Shift key when selecting long lists or text passages. Let's say you want to select a section of this page covering several paragraphs. The way most users would do this would be to left mouse click at the start, hold the mouse button down and then move the mouse cursor to the end of the text to be selected. That's fine but if the text covers more than one screen it can get tricky. Here's a much better way.

First, left click at the start of the text and release the mouse button. Then scroll down to the end of the text and left click again while holding down Shift key. All the text in between will be selected. Try it now on this page. Neat eh? The same technique works well when selecting items on a list. Incidentally, if you want to select or deselect individual items that aren't consecutive, you can do that by using the Ctrl key when left clicking. But hey, that's a fourth shortcut and I said I was only going to give you three :)


If you really want more, there's a complete list here:

Source: from my son and Microsoft

By Elaine from Belle Plaine, IA

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February 15, 20110 found this helpful

Other keyins I find very useful are at:
Great for foreign language characters, etc. Examples:
Alt 0163 = £
Alt 0227 = ã
Alt 0198 = Æ
Alt 0162 = ¢
and about 100 more.


February 16, 20110 found this helpful

Thank you, Elaine and Cajun62234! I feel empowered, now...


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 509 Feedbacks
February 16, 20110 found this helpful

Thank you for that info, I love it! I'm going to print it & post it near my computer so I can learn it. that ^home is going to come in very handy immediately when I get done reading these long Thrifty Fun newsletters, I've suggested to them before to put a button at the end to take us back to the beginning so I don't have to scroll all the way back up every time-now I don't have to, cause I know how to do it now!


That malone makes this tip the best I've read today!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
February 16, 20110 found this helpful

Elaine, you've done a great job with your brief tutorial. I learned... or rather, relearned... all these cool keyboard commands when a car wreck left me blind. I literally went through "mouse withdrawal," lol! Now there's so much I can do with my computer and my JAWS (Job Access With Speech) screen reader, it's amazing. I only wish I could have thought how to say what you did, half as well.


Gold Feedback Medal for All Time! 679 Feedbacks
February 18, 20110 found this helpful

Thanks so much for these tips Elaine! The left click-left click shift tip will save me so much time and frustration when copying recipes from certain websites, because I have to copy some of them section by section as they do not allow copying from the "Print" screen sometimes. It's so annoying when the section goes beyond the screen image because highlighting usually picks up much more than I want to copy.


I always thought there had to be a better way! I've tried zooming out to copy and other tricks, but this is much easier! Thanks also to Cajun62234 for the other tips - I knew about and have used the Alt shortcuts in the past (at a former job), but never copied a list of them for myself.

February 18, 20110 found this helpful

Bless you Elaine! For those of us who didn't grow up with computers & never had time to take classes due to families, etc, this was such a welcome tip and I sincerely thank-you!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 523 Posts
February 5, 20140 found this helpful

Don't know about the third tip. Since you have to use the mouse, why not use it to do all? Place your cursor at the beginning of the text you want to copy, hold down left button and drag mouse across all you want to copy. If it's a long list, your page will automatically start scrolling when you get to the bottom of the screen.


When you have highlighted all you want to copy, release left mouse button and press right button. This will open a context menu with the option to copy.

February 16, 20140 found this helpful

Thanks I needed this! Doing the third tip works better than holding the mouse down and high lighten because sometimes it dont stop highlighten where you want it too and it does more!


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