
Share "One Favorite Thought" at a Funeral

Uncle Jimmy recently died. In preparation of his funeral, my contribution was to introduced an idea of "My One Favorite Thought" to add along with the traditional photo books, sign-up directory and flowers. It turned out to be a nice, soothing aspect to fill in those empty moments when a visitor doesn't know what to say or do.


I provided two different folders to display in two different areas of the room where viewing was being held. Each folder had a cover sheet with his name on it, and directed all to leave a message about their most treasured memory of the deceased.

Each folder had index cards to write the given thought on. I choose index cards so that the memories could later be put into the sleeves of a picture album.

By Judy from Memphis, TN

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March 14, 20100 found this helpful

I think that is an outstanding idea. Thanks for sharing it! I used that idea for my Mom's 80th birthday celebration with great results. I have enjoyed re-reading them many times.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 171 Feedbacks
March 15, 20100 found this helpful

I'm going to borrow this idea! What a great comfort to have later!


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
March 15, 20100 found this helpful

Wish we'd thought of this for my mom's memorial service back in 2006. My sister Brenda would've found such a book very comforting, since she took our mom's loss the hardest.


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