This tip doubles as many things. Decoration as well as scarecrow. Take those DVD/CDs you were planning on tossing aside for whatever reason. I used a soldering iron, melted a hole in the edge of the DVD/CD. You can also use a small tipped hot glue gun without the glue in to do the same. If you don't have either, just knot the twin from the center hole.
Anyway, tie twin or thick cord on it here and attach to a shepherd hook or other element and place in the garden. The breeze will blow the disk and helps keep squirrels, animals out of your garden. My clothesline is nearby and I hang these on the ends as well. Different colored discs make for colorful additions in the garden.
A friend asked for an idea for her woodpecker at the lake which loved the cabin. I said to do this and hang shorter twine from the eves with a hook. The motion will keep the birds from pecking the cabin. She tried it and it worked!
By Joyce from Benson MN