
Gift Ideas for Boyfriend's 19th Birthday

April 10, 2011

boyfriend and girlfriendMy boyfriend is having his 19th birthday in a month. He's financially sound while I'm not. As in, he can spend whatever he likes whenever. However, I'm not. He always does little and huge things that make me happy, so this time I really want to make an impression that I can also do the same for him.


He's throwing a party which I will be organizing for him and his best friends from the opposite side of the country are flying over to attend. They, too, are financially sound and have gotten him impressive gifts before.

Horrible to say, but I feel a lot of pressure in giving him a gift because I'm not quite like his friends. Do you have any suggestions as to what birthday gift I could give that would be of meaning? I've named a star after him before and made artwork for him. I want something that is meaningful and useful for him!

By Sabrina


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 107 Feedbacks
July 26, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

What does he find interesting? How long have you been going out together? Does he have any goals he's mentioned that you could forward with your gift? Hobbies? What qualities in him do you want to encourage?


I have little money so I like what I spend to be effective,
make something happen. So I always ask what does the person need that I see. If they are looking for a job or going to school, maybe clothes if their wardrobe is small or worn. If they like art, maybe art store gift certificate.
If music, maybe their guitar needs new strings. What do they particularly enjoy that maybe they haven't felt okay spending money on.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 109 Feedbacks
April 10, 20111 found this helpful
Best Answer

I wouldn't worry about getting him something he needs or wants but instead get him somethinghe will like. Something unexpected. You could get him a very plain braclet with an engraving. Something like, "Never again 19 but now and forever close." And put your initials.


Or something else that is meaningful to maybe both of you. Let it say something that would be timeless without saying anything to committed. Unless you mean it.

April 11, 20111 found this helpful
Best Answer

Just do something simple. Make his favorite Breakfast or Dinner and bake him a Cake, fill his Bedroom full of balloons(sounds stupids, i know but i did this once and it was the bday mine ever had). I'm sure he would Love it. Good Luck.

April 12, 20110 found this helpful
Best Answer

So...he will now be organizing his own birthday party (since we're in long distance relationship in different universities)! But I've decided to create a video montage of all his friends and family back home of them wishing him a happy birthday that will be played throughout the party! As well, I will be getting a basketball jersey of his favourite player. Thoughtful and useful! And maybe even bake a cake, providing I have access to his kitchen. :)


Thanks for all your input!

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Here are the questions asked by community members. Read on to see the answers provided by the ThriftyFun community.

July 31, 2019

My boyfriend's birthday is in two months. This is his first birthday that I'm going to celebrate with him. I'm actually confused right now because he's from a very wealthy family and I'm not like him. I don't even know what to get him because I'd see it to be something small.

He's into fashion. He dresses a lot. He likes music too. He plays a lot of musical instruments like the piano and the flute. He likes going out a lot too. I'm really confused right now because I want to get him something that's going to mean a lot to him.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
July 31, 20190 found this helpful

Get tickets to a reasonably priced music event for the two of you. If there is any money left over, give him a framed picture of the two of you.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
July 31, 20190 found this helpful

I am sure he is not looking for something big! It could just be something as simple as a homecooked meal. :) It's the thought that counts!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 1, 20190 found this helpful

The best gift is one of experience!

Think about something the two of you like to do together and treat him to a matinee movie, or a coffee and pastry at your favorite cafe, or take a walk in your favorite park and have ice cream cones.


Or you can do things with no cost, like pretend you are tourists and walk around your town pretending you are seeing it for the first time, or take a hike in a local park, or if you have a big city nearby, find the most expensive hotel in the city and sit in their lobby and people watch for an hour (this used to be one of my favorite things to do when I was young).

It makes me sad for you that you are worried about your different backgrounds. Do you have someone special in your life you can talk to about this worry?

If you two have fun together and enjoy each other's company, there are many ways to overcome what you may perceive as a difference between the two of you. The most important things in relationships are to have the same core values and enjoy the same things, have honest and safe communication between yourselves, and most importantly RESPECT and love each other for who you each are now and will become in the future.


I will say a little prayer that the two of you have a lovely time for his birthday and enjoy your time together free of worry.


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 140 Posts
August 1, 20190 found this helpful

Tickets to an upcoming concert, or maybe a special outing(Try Groupon) for attractions in your area! Groupon gives you big savings on popular attractions,without any one knowing how much you spent!

August 5, 20190 found this helpful

Hi there. In my opinion the best gifts are one's from the heart. Something that you hand make. Are you crafty? A picture of the two of you together and a beautiful frame. Cooking a fancy dinner, if you're good at cooking. Have his car detailed. Whatever you decide to do if it comes from the heart he's going to love it!

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October 3, 2014

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now and his birthday is coming up soon. I don't know what to get him because it's hard to figure out what he wants, though he really loves football.

By Derby G.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 267 Posts
November 29, 20170 found this helpful
Best Answer

Maybe you can get some tickets to a college football game. You could plan a date around it and take him to a football or sports themed restaurant in your area. Maybe give him a hat or sweatshirt with his favorite team or a gift card to the NFL shop so he can pick out something for himself.

I'm sure he will like whatever you come up with. Good luck!

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August 4, 2014

My boyfriend is turning 19 this month, and I have no idea what to get him. I don't earn a lot of money so I can't splash the cash, and this is the first birthday in our relationship. He's into body building and the gym, he works a lot, and is saving up for a car. Please help?

By Laura B


August 5, 20140 found this helpful

Would he be interested in reading bodybuilding magazines? If so, subscription(s) would remind him of you every month. If he is saving for a particular model/brand of car, how about a magazine or a book about it? If there are classic car shows in your area, why not take him to one, and pack a picnic lunch for the 2 of you? Hope this helps.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
August 5, 20140 found this helpful

If you don't have much cash, have a nice photo done of you. You can usually find a good photographer in your circle of friends who will do it for lower rates. I hope that helps.

September 23, 20140 found this helpful

Is your boyfriend's name Ian? I came to this site to get an idea for what to get my boyfriend for his 19th birthday and your post describes him pretty much exactly ahaha

July 29, 20150 found this helpful

What about a fun car key holder?

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March 12, 2019

My bf is turning 19 in a month. I wanna organize a small birthday party for him. I don't know what to get him for his birthday either.

Please help me!


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
March 12, 20190 found this helpful

A great gift is a pair of tickets to an event both of you will enjoy. You could invite a bunch of his friends over to your house for pizza and birthday cake.


Diamond Post Medal for All Time! 1,298 Posts
March 13, 20190 found this helpful

Happy Early Birthday to your boyfriend!

You can host a small hang out with close friends at the bowling alley? Pizza would be inexpensive option for food.

As a gift, you can make him a handmade card and make him a gift (picture frame) or buy him something he'd want/need within budget? :)

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April 9, 2015

I have no idea if what gift I should give him. It should be something simple.

By Nikki


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
December 3, 20170 found this helpful

Something simple could be a shirt, shorts, or even a wallet for him to use. You could go a bit more personal with a set of ticket to a music concert or even a sporting event to go and see. You can also consider a personalized case for his cell phone and maybe add your photo to the back of the case.

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April 3, 2015

I'm 17 and he's 18 about to be 19. He's already a certified electrician and has everything he wants and or needs. I on the other hand don't have a job yet. No job means no money. He's always buying me cute gifts all the time to let me know how much he loves me. I want to do the same thing for him for him for his birthday to let him know how much I care and love him, but on a budget it's kinda hard to. I have no clue what to do for him! Help me please.

By Alexandria Marie S.


Bronze Answer Medal for All Time! 220 Answers
April 3, 20150 found this helpful

Low Cost Ideas-
Nature Experience-Hike, Bike, volunteer park cleanup,
Learn-Natural history museum, art museum, history museum
Reading/Music-books, ebooks, music
Picnic-Local park, lake, beach, bike tour, etc.
Food-Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, etc., you prepare?
Other Ideas?

"Old Saying" I know, but true-it's the thought that counts"!

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November 21, 2014

My boyfriend will be 19 in a couple of months and I really don't know what to get him.

By Cierra


November 22, 20140 found this helpful

Give him a an experience/memory. If there is something he is interested in, for examples: classic cars, take him to a classic car show, hunting/fishing an out door show. Weather permitting, pack a picnic to be eaten. If he reads magazines, get him a subscription to a magazine which reflects an interest of his. He will think of you every month for a year.

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November 18, 2013

My boyfriend is turning 19 this year and I have no idea what to get him. He is a part of the Australian army and is always buying things for himself. He loves his cars, his alcohol, and his chocolate. Last year I got him a huge box of chocolate and a Hurley wallet. He is very fussy with clothes as he only likes 'brand named' clothing. Please help me!

By Emily F


November 20, 20130 found this helpful

Are you sure he is the one for you? Look ahead...

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July 24, 2013

My boyfriend and I will be celebrating his birthday soon. Except we are long distance and when it is his birthday a week later will be our anniversary. I know it might be a little too soon, but I still have to pick something and get it and send it all the way to India. I have no clue what to get him. It's our first time celebrating his birthday together. I live in Arizona and I need help!

By Ginger Z.


July 30, 20130 found this helpful

You could send him a scarf, shoes, Ipod or a huge basket full of chocolates with a long letter. You know him best you'll know what to get him. :)

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November 27, 2012

My boyfriend means the world to me and this is his first birthday as a couple for us. Mine already passed and he got me jewelery and a card. The only thing is that his birthday is so close to Christmas that I don't know what to get him for which day. Help!

By Quashala


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 282 Feedbacks
November 29, 20120 found this helpful

Ooooh, he got you jewelry for your birthday! So a generic gift for his birthday is now out:)

Something really special is called for know him best. For his birthday you need to give him something as meaningful to him as the jewelry was to you on YOUR birthday. If it were me, I would probably splash out on a really nice watch, maybe a pocket watch on a lovely chain.

Of course, he may be the guy who would be thrilled to receive a fully loaded magician's kit, too, lol! You know him best, so deep down inside you already know what will be the most meaningful gift for a boyfriend smart enough to know that jewelry was the perfect birthday gift for you:)

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December 5, 2014

My boyfriend will turn 19 on the 31st of December 2014 and I have no idea what to get him. Can you please give me an idea?

By Stephanie

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October 6, 2014

This is his first birthday with us being together. We are apart from each other because of college. He does jav and discus. Loves fast food. We won't be together on his birthday, but he is coming to my college the weekend after. On his birthday I was thinking to send him candy and a letter and then when he comes to see me I want to have an actual gift for him.

I got him giftcards to McDonalds, Dominios, and Wawa. Also I got a really protective phone case that has our picture on the back. I want just one more thing to make the gift complete. This does not need to be so personalized so I just need ideas of gifts that guys would enjoy. (Also keeping in mind for Christmas) Please please help me out.


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November 27, 2013

My boyfriend and I have been dating for close to 2 months and his birthday is coming up. It's also around Christmas. He's turning 19 and I am wondering if I should have his birthday present simpler and smaller and then go more out for Christmas? This is the first birthday during our relationship so I have no idea what to do and get. Help?

By M

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July 30, 2013

What should I buy him? This is his first birthday for us and he loves fashion, dressing, and architecture. We have a long distance relationship and he's probably coming here this summer and I have no idea what he might want.

By Fareah from Karachi, Pakistan

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July 15, 2013

My boyfriend of almost 6 months is turning 19 next month. I have no idea what to get him. He likes the New York Yankees, and loves his car. He always pays for dates even if I offer to pay. I have made him dinner before, and I got him a key chain with our initials on it. My money is limited, and our birthdays are a couple days apart. Help.

By Tyler Elizabeth R.

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June 30, 2013

I have been with my boyfriend for 4 years now, he is turning 19! We have celebrated a lot of birthdays, Christmas, and other occasions. I have brought him everything I could think of, such as: clothes, jewelery, cologne, and shoes. I have taken him out to dinners, ice skating, movies, etc. Made him scrapbooks, a slideshow of all our memories and all that. This year has really got me and I'm so confused on what I should buy him and where to go. I want something different and unexpected! Please help me. :)

By PaigeR

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June 16, 2013

My boyfriend will be 19 in 3 days. I've asked him questions about what he likes to get some ideas, but am not really sure. I really want to make it special because it's the first time we've been together for our birthday. Someone please help!

By Terri

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ThriftyFun is one of the longest running frugal living communities on the Internet. These are archives of older discussions.

September 7, 2009

My boy friend is turning 19 on July 28th and I don't know what to get him at all. My budget is only about $20. He is an outdoor boy. He is not much into cologne and jewelery and that kinda stuff.


April 10, 2011

He's financially sound, I'm not. I'm a 17 year old college student, he's my boyfriend of 7 months and he's turning 19.


January 3, 2011

My boyfriend of 3 years is turning 19 in 4 days. I've been procrastinating on getting him a gift because I haven't any ideas.


August 5, 2010

I have been dating a guy who will be 19. We have been going out for 3 months. He's so sweet and really supportive.


September 18, 2009

My boyfriend is turning 19 July 28th and I do not know what to get him. I have a $50-70 budget and I'm not sure what he would like. Any ideas?

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