
Armadillo Repellents?

We just discovered we have an armadillo in the back yard! It is digging up everything--the good thing is, our pup won't get blamed for digging up the watermelons, tomatoes, etc. Poor baby has been getting blamed for a lot of armadillo damage! Is there anything we can do to keep the armadillo out of the backyard, which is fenced in with a privacy fence?


Hardiness Zone: 8b

JLB from Austin, TX

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Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 472 Feedbacks
June 23, 20060 found this helpful
Best Answer

The hardest part is catching them when they are out and not hiding. We let our dog in the yard (but tied, so he wouldn't bother it), and when he went crazy barking, we knew that the armadillo was roaming about. I took an empty plastic trash can in one hand and the lid in the other, and I followed it around the yard VERY slowly, so to not be threatening. I calmly talked to it the whole time, kind of leading him with the lid (blocking where I didn't want him to go) and forced him into the fence corner.


I then put the trash can in front of him and scooted him in it with the lid. Covered the can, turned it upright, and promptly took him to the country where he could roam and dig to his heart's content. Good Luck!

By Linda (Guest Post)
June 23, 20060 found this helpful

Sometimes humane societys will loan or rent trap and relase traps that won't harm the animal so you can catch and release into the wild.

June 25, 20060 found this helpful

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll check into the Humane Society, and if that fails try the garbage can trick. When you put him in the garbage can, was he docile?


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