I always stock up on bleach, white vinegar, amonnia, borax, 91% rubbing alcohol, and Dawn dish soap. I boil my water. Then from these Items I make most of my cleaners. My favorite kitchen cleaner I make up a gallon at a time. Then I fill up a cut little spray bottle.
To the gallon jug, I mix together ammonia, white vinegar, and rubbing alcohol.
This takes up about 1/3 of the gallon jug. The rest is either boiled water or store bought water.
For the bathroom I can wipe things down with a gallon of water with just two tablespoons of bleach. This is just great for wiping down the phone, door knobs, even the key board on the computer, with the rag wrung out well and be sure to turn the keyboard upside down when wiping it.
Speaking of germs. Everyone washes their hands when they come home from anywhere, even just out in the yard. The hands get washed before they touch much of anything else. I'm not that much of a germophobic, it just keeps down the sniffles and flu.
By Ardis