
Sweat Odor in Room?

Can anyone help? My 9 year old son sweats really bad a night while asleep. It leaves an oder in his room. I wash his bedding twice a week and vacum daily with carpet freshener. Does anyone have any advice for me. Thank you


Channon From N,Y

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By m.b.wright (Guest Post)
July 27, 20040 found this helpful

Put cans left open full of regular (NOT SELF LIGHT) in the room or in paper bags (large grecery bags) full of charchoal. Replace when the room developes an oder again and send the charcoal to the land fill. Be sure your son don't have allerges to something foods, clothing contents, laundry supplies or bath or dental products. Is there mold in his room, or a health problem with teeth, tonsuls, sinus, lungs or heart? Also, do you all eat a veggie diet or lots os soy products? Is the meat you eat grown on soy products?
If he has an oder on his body (behind ears, armputs etc.) then wipe this area with rubbing alcohol several times a day if needed and nightly.


If these don't help you should take him to a docter. Is he getting enough water to cleanse his system. Feed him some watermellon tell him to eat some of the seed (up to 20) as watermellon cools the kidneies, flushes the system and it removes built up salts and waste from the kidneys. It is very healing to the kidneys and will fluish the stored excess fluid out of the body.

By Ann (Guest Post)
July 27, 20040 found this helpful

I wonder if the odor has gotten into the mattress. I would remove the sheets and spray the mattress with vinegar - lots of vinegar. Be sure to use a mattress pad that you can wash along with the sheets. I've also heard of some people using vinegar instead of deoderant. It doesn't stop the wetness but helps with the odor. So try spraying vinegar under your son's arm's, etc after he showers at night.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 104 Feedbacks
July 29, 20040 found this helpful

We all have 2 sets of sweat glands - apocrine and eccrine. One lot doesn't usually kick in until puberty - which is why most children don't have the body odour problem that us adults have. At nine years old I wouldn't have thought he should have a body odour problem - but I may be completely off track here as I have no children and don't know how nine year olds are supposed to smell.


Perhaps a medical check up may be in order???? The other thing to consider is his hair/pillow. Many children sweat on their heads/faces and this may have soaked into the pillow and be breeding bacteria, (not harmful to your son - just smelly). Just some ideas - not sure if they are helpful.......



By Tawnda (Guest Post)
July 30, 20040 found this helpful

Find a mild deoderant with Baking Soda in it. Arm and Hammer now makes deoderant as well. My husband has this problem. He stinks within five minutes of getting out of the shower. He has to put on deoderant as soon as he gets out of the shower and sometimes again in the morning before work. Also, even in winter, air out the room by opening or cracking a window. Close it at night when he goes to sleep.

By Tawnda (Guest Post)
July 30, 20040 found this helpful

Also, if you can't get him to wear deoderant, etc. See if he will at least use baby powder after his baths. Maybe find a mildly masculine scent that he might be drawn to use.

By Micheal winny!! (Guest Post)
August 14, 20040 found this helpful

yeah i sweat pretty perfusly when im just sitting at school then when i go to give my buddys hughs they run in the other way it makes me cry im so sick of sweating. it's not so bad about the oder part jsut the big puddle under my pitters!! Can anyone help me?

By Kathryn, Montreal (Guest Post)
December 3, 20040 found this helpful

Did you know that those air freshnerers coat the sensory hairs in your nose? So that chemical/plastic buildup won't be helping your son. Could even be that his system (like mine) is allergic to those products. His body is saying something is out of balance; the odour is a symptom.


Lots of good advice was posted by M.B. Wright. Good Luck. By the way, have you thought of moving the position of your son's bed? Hope there's no tv or computer in his room. That can keep him stimulated when he's sleeping.

August 29, 20050 found this helpful

I see someone already suggested charcoal. This is the best advice for any odors! Just put some in a pan under the bed. Also spraying the mattress with vinegar as was said should help. You also might spray with Lysol to kill bacteria.

We had a refreidgerator go our when my father died and we left in a hurry for a month. We had just put a lot of venison and suet to make sausage in it before we left. Talk about stink!!! When we got home we couldn't even stand to stay in the house that night, had to go to my mother in law's. We cleaned it out and tried everything to get rid of the odor, which had gotten up inside the works etc where we couldn't wash.


Then my mother told me to just put a couple of handsful of charcoal briquettes in it and shut the door for a few days, and run it of course, to get it all through the system. I didn't believe her as I thought it sounded silly compared to vinegar, soda water, etc we had already tried. But it worked! I couldn't believe how well it worked!

Also the people who said to take your son to the Dr. were right - my ex-husband got to where he stunk so bad even just after getting out of the shower that he finally went to the Dr. about it. But I don't remember what was wrong, it was something, but it's been so many years ago that I've forgotten. But I remember when my son was that age we lived in TX and it didn't take him long to get sweaty running around outside playing, but he always just stunk like a wet doggy smell. I've noticed most sweaty young kids smell the same.


And don't forget too to make sure that if he takes off his clothes and they are sweaty that he doesn't leave them in the room at night. And be sure to check out his sneakers!!! They can really stink up a room fast!

And make him drink plenty of water to keep him hydrated and his pores flushed. Also, is he too hot at night to make him sweat?

Hope something here helps, but except for the water, the rest of the suggestions just cure the symptons, not the problem. I do think he should see an MD! - Aneita


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