
Hydronic Cooling Systems?

The majority of homes in NM have evaporative cooling (swamp coolers). Just wondering if anyone has any information on hydronic air conditioning units, since my swamp cooler will need replacing soon, and I would prefer the hydronic to typical refrigerated air conditioning units (water conservation and costs out west). I've already researched some hydronic heating systems, and like what I've found: no maintenance required; they can be hardwired such as typical baseboard types or can be portable; they have sealed lines inside that contain a solution that heats up, then the thermostat shuts off the unit and maintains the heat for a while after that.


I like the ideas of no gas fumes or carbon monoxide concerns. Thanks.

Sandy in NM

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By Robert Donnell (Guest Post)
February 15, 20060 found this helpful

Hydronika manufactures a chiller boiler packaged systems that provides both hydronic cooling and heat simulataneously. Their website is

I may be reach as rdonell at the above address


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