
Removing Artillery Fungus Stains on a Car?

I have these brown dots on my car and found out that it is Artillery fungus. I park my car near 2 flower beds that have mulch. Since the mulch is always wet (another factor is I buy inexpensive mulch) spores are formed in turn this fungus shoots up into the air and forms brown dots on my car.


I have tried nail polish remover, hand sanitizer, used a credit card and WD40. None have worked and the Internet has no other ideas to remove these pesky brown annoying dots.

By Cynthia from NJ

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July 18, 20090 found this helpful

Don't know about this mold, but I have had success with spray disinfectant to kill molds/fungi in the past. If you have tried alcohol-based products, you will need something stronger! Hope it doesn't ruin your finish. I have some spots on my car & they seem to be from a spray of concrete? Almost easier to get touch up paint, sand it down & cover it up.

October 11, 20170 found this helpful

Clorox wipes will take it off instantly

July 15, 20180 found this helpful

I use Easy Off oven cleaner on car to remove spores but make sure the car has a "Clearcoat" from the dealer you bought it from.
If car is not clearcoated then don't use it. you may want to start at a very tiny spot first. Good luck.

September 19, 20190 found this helpful

Easy off has helped me remove about any imaginable stain I've encountered. Never thought about using it on car. THANKS!

July 21, 20090 found this helpful

If it were mine, I'd begin methodically on the lowest place and work in a two inch line around the bottom edge in sections, according to how many products I am trying. I'd consider in this order:


straight tilex. Follow instructions, rinse.

1/4 Bleach in 1 cup water with 1/4 tsp. Dawn.

Bathroom cleanser spray foam.

Baking soda paste rubbed very gently on spots

Check each one every ten minutes to see if it's working and which works best. The one that works the poorest, leave overnight before rinsing. The one that works the best, should show up right away.

If none of the above work, i'd be -v e r y - tempted to try oven cleaner for only ten minutes then test. If no sign of working, rinse off unless using the no-fume, in which case i'd leave on one hour, testing every ten minutes.

I'd be very surprised if none of these worked. Please let us all know, ok? God bless and help you. : )

July 21, 20090 found this helpful

If it is truly fungus, then it is another form of yeast, and vinegar or another mildly acidic substance will immediately kill it. Try vinegar or lemon juice.

August 26, 20180 found this helpful

Acid on auto paint.... Ought as well sand the car with a rock.

July 18, 20190 found this helpful

My white car (medium sized SUV - Toyota Rav4) was progressively getting covered in black spots. I've read through lots of blogs and there doesn't seem to be a consensus. However, I decided to try the easiest... I used white vinegar and warm water with a ratio of approx.


1:10. It worked a treat. It took a good couple of hours to wipe down the whole car. I think I will need to go over it again, especially in the corners and joins, but it looks 100% better.

February 18, 20190 found this helpful

If the stain is an acid base i.e. mold, spores, fungus than a liquid chemical of an alkaline base is required to lift the residue so that a soap and water rinse will remove the stain. My white finish had a barely visible black haze that settled over the winter and the only product that cut it was liquid plumber diluted and tested in small areas until it achieved results...

May 9, 20210 found this helpful

Chux Magic eraser works easily. I Dampened sponge and washed car before and rinsed after. Very little rubbing needed


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