
Avoid Antibiotic Soap

Just remember: do not use soap that is antibiotic; when it gets into our water it kills anything that grows. Also it apparently doesn't work; it has to be on your hands much longer than the time you spend washing them.


By wggmn3

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 188 Feedbacks
September 28, 20110 found this helpful

Yep, I don't think anyone but nurses know or do, wash their hands as long as they need to. Not to mention, when you kill the bacteria, you are also killing the small amounts that can help boost your immune system. We get shots to keep us from getting ill, a small amount to boost our immunity, the same goes for soap. Though it's hard to find soap that works but isn't an antibacterial these days!

September 28, 20110 found this helpful

I'll second this advice! Also, please stay away from air fresheners, dryer sheets, most cleaners (use vinegar, soda and boric acid) and, of course, pesticides. We're killing ourselves and the planet!

October 4, 20110 found this helpful

I use everything as far as cleaning goes (no air freshener, no dryer sheets). In fact vinegar, baking soda, lemon is my cleaners (mouthwash also for toilet), but as far as cleaning goes the only thing that works 99.9% is using steam.


Antibacterial soap on the other hand is bad for the water system. The gel has stopped hundreds of cases of infectious diseases here in CA.There have been numerous studies on it. Kids touching the grocery carts, sneezing, dirty diapers the list I'm sure you know goes on and on. If you are taking a hot shower or bath lather and let it set is better than nothing.

This country has illnesses (flus) now where there is no cure. I do not take flu shots, I cant. All health departments here recommend using these because most people aren't like ones in Thriftyfun and something is better than nothing in those cases.

We can't steam everything, somehow through out the years people stopped washing their hands. Little boys aren't taught to always wash after using the bathroom, so if they will wash using any soap its better than nothing. We grew up only with Ivory Soap and lived on a farm. If building your immune system had to do with allowing bacteria to be on you, well my autoimmune system didn't get the message. I make my own bacteria wipes and keep them in a plastic bag.I know most wouldn't do this so washing is better than not.


Glad others care about the water, environment and our planet as much as I do. However the signs saying wash your hands "I'm grateful for it". It also is the reason I don't eat out. How do you really know how clean anyone but your own is?


Diamond Feedback Medal for All Time! 1,394 Feedbacks
October 6, 20110 found this helpful

I've lived for 49 years without regularly using anything "antibacterial." I feel it only fosters "super-bugs" that nothing can kill. Antibacterial products may have created the MERS (a "super-strain" of staphylococcus) bacterium, for all we know.


My own immune system is fine without a "boost," too, so no flu, pneumonia or other such vaccine for me, thanks.

April 8, 20140 found this helpful

For years the medical community have been asking people not to use anti-bacterical soaps. They have found that between using these soaps & people not finishing their antibiotics we have created the super bugs that are immune to most meds. If you look, you can find regular soaps for hands, body, & dishes. And please finish ALL the meds your doctor gives you. After all... that's why you went there in the first place.


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