Rosie AKA "Nosy Rosie" is 3 years old . She is a Pit Bull and Boxer Mix. We got Rosie from our local SPCA when she was only 4 months old. We kept her name as they gave her, since it fit so well. :)
Our Rosie is the most loving dog I've ever had. She is a Pit Bull, mix and you know the stigma that Pitts have. You hear on TV almost daily, that they will turn on you by biting or hurting your children, or animals. We had 3 cats when we got Rosie and she treats them as her friends. We had a stray come over here and have babies, for some reason the momma left one of kittens and Rosie took over like, she was it's mommy. The kitten is gone now and has been gone for weeks, but Rosie still looks for the kitten daily.
My only grand daughter, Isabella is 8 months younger then Rosie and both of them LOVE each other like best buddies. Just to be sure neither of them will hurt the other one, we never leave the two of them alone together., but they are nothing, except super sweet to each other and Rosie even listen to Isabella who is not even 2 years old yet. If she says sit, or no Rosie jumps to do whatever the baby asks of her. Rosie is hands down the sweetest, smartest, brightest dog we've ever owned and we've had a few dogs before.
In the picture is my 17 year old daughter, Kayla and Rosie giving her a big kiss.
By Laura
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Look at that darling loving face. Of all animals that there are, the ones that have been mistreated the most, when you see them coming out of bad situations, like fighting, and such, on their way to the humane society, what do you see them do? Do they turn on the people they have learned to fear? No they wag their tails and lick the hands of the people who for all they know are going to put them into a fight again.
These dogs are bred to love and to be loyal. They are the sweet breed that no one will ever know about because of prejudice.
Blessings and thank you for sharing, I love little pittles!
I call them pibbles, they are so sweet.
Thank you for posting this and I am voting for it to win the pet contest.
Hey there! My name is jennyfer and I'm 14.... I use to have a pup named Rosie, but couldn't keep her because of your superentanted... we gave her back to her "family" when she was about 3/2 - 4 month old, we went to vist her turned out she was put into another family. My family darely miss her. She was everything. We tried everything to find her and at least know how she's doing... but the thing is.. right now she should a about 1 year old. My friend told me about this site and told me to check it out. We were all full of joy n thought we found rosie again.. but when you told us she was 3 year old, our family heart break a little again. I have tons of picture of my pup rosie. And we were wondering...well I was. if Rosie is actually 3 years old?
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Rosie is a 2 year old Pitt Bull/Boxer Mix. We got Rosie from our local SPCA when she was 4 months old. They named her Rosie, because she was so nosey she still is super nosey till this day.
She loves to go for long walks, play tug a war, see how fast she can destroy her new toys, take naps with her mommy (me) and lay on daddies pillow when he's not around even though daddy doesn't like it. She loves play fighting. Around 10 or 11 PM, nightly, when everybody is settling down for bed she likes chewing her bones and playing with them like they are hockey pucks. She loves giving us kisses over and over and over again, but most of all she loves jumping on visitors when they come over.
She's my best friend and I love her to death. She has added so much joy to our family we all love her. She makes us laugh daily and if one of us are down she's great at making us feel better.
By Laura Elorza from New Orleans, LA
So sweet. It's funny because as a nickname I call my Sadie Mae, Nosy Rosie and then Rosie for short. She is such a mother hen and has to be aware of everything! Hee hee, maybe they would get along wonderfully! LOL (01/28/2010)
By Kim