My son has a red Ohio State hoodie and got grease on it from his job. He washed and dried it in hopes that the grease would come out. It didn't come out.
He had asked me to see if I could get it out, I used carbon tec (the chemical the dry cleaners use), after I sprayed it with that, I used a toothbrush on it, then sprayed it with Simple Green scrubbed it again with the toothbrush. I washed and dried it in hopes to getting the stain out.
Is the stain in there forever or is there something else I can use to get the grease out?
By Chris T. from Sagamore Hills, OH
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It is hard to remove grease, and drying the garment sets the stain in, so it is possible the stain will not come out. But you can try Lestoil or those waterless hand cleaners mechanics use.
Try the tide pods resume stain removers even dried set old stains will come out soak clothes in tide resume pod with original tide.soak
Dawn dish detergent (original kind) on the front and back of the stain, let soak in then wash. Do this over again until stain is gone.
Era and 409 together will take about everything out. I spray 409 first then add the Era, and then scrub. It will even take blood out.
GOOP! I live with a house full of mechanics. It works wonderful. Put a little on the stain. Rub with fingers make sure its in, then toss in laundry. Can also use it safely in washer.
Thanks to Mary Hunt from Everyday Cheapskate, I found Soilove! I had several shirts that were hung on the "at home only" side of my closet because of set-in stains. One treatment of Soilove and now I can wear them anywhere!
Try ironing the article over some thicknesses of paper towel. The iron will heat up the grease and the paper will absorb it - it may take a few times. Good luck.
PineSol directly on the spot washed in warm water will get out any grease stain including ball point pen! For a dirty stain, you might have to do a bit of rubbing, but when I get those grease stains on clothing, I just pretreat with Pinesol and then wash.
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