Mother's Day is fast approaching. When you send out cards don't forget those OTHER MOTHERS in your life who otherwise may be overlooked.
The SISTER who's been there for you all your life.
The SINGLE MOTHERS who are not only the provider but also the disciplinarian and mender of broken hearts.
The MOTHERS-TO-BE who are anxiously waiting to step up to the plate and find out what Motherhood is all about.
The MOTHERS WHO'VE LOST a child due to death.
The MOTHERS-IN-WAITING who yearn daily for the priviledge of being a mother, yet to no avail and MOTHERS PAST, to whom we no longer have the opportunity to say "I love you" but merely to place a flower on their grave in their memory.
THE SUBSTITUTE MOTHER, a grandma, or a loving sister who's always been there for you throughout your life. Just a simple
A simple "Thinking of You" card would mean so much to those forgotten mothers and a message of encouragement may be just what it takes to brighten their day!
By Sharon Shearer