
Dog Scratching But I Don't See Any Fleas?

May 21, 2007

Dog scratching outside on the patioMy dog is acting like he has fleas, but I do not see any. He has white tan fur, and I should be able to see them (I would think). He keeps acting weird and looking at his tail and behind, and stands up and then sits down fast to see what is on him. He has a major fear of bugs. He is now hiding under my computer desk and shakes.


I changed his food over 2 weeks ago to Moist N Meaty, because he is so picky. He is acting weirder then normal lately. Any ideas? Could it be the food? He itched before, that is not new. But the hiding and acting like things are crawling on him is so sad.

Lisa from Westland


May 22, 20071 found this helpful
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Maybe he has an allergy to something. You could always go the safe route and apply Frontline just in case it is something like fleas or ticks. But if he's acting extra batty, you may need to take him to the vet. If it's his hind end that's giving him fits, it might be worms, too. That's easy enough to fix. Good luck!

By Mythi (Guest Post)
May 23, 20071 found this helpful
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He could be allergic to something in the food or he could have skin allergies. I had a cocker spanial that had bad allergies. You probably should take him to the vet and have him checked out.


They can give him medicine for the itching and spray too. That way you will know what is wrong with him. Good luck to you both and I hope he feels better.

May 24, 20070 found this helpful
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I would get an appointment with your vet as soon as possible because allergies can turn into a Staph infection pretty quickly. My vet could find irritation when I couldn't.

He sounds like he is really mserable. I know the vet bills are expensive but sometimes our four legged friends have to come first. I rescued two cats in January and one has a severe allergy either to her food or the cat litter - I am afraid to change either now. The brand Innova has food for both cats and dogs that has no grain. It is called "Evo" and that is what I use. I found it at Petco.

February 10, 20091 found this helpful
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I think he might have allergies but if he shakes have the vet just do an exam. At least he can diagnose the problem. My dog (cocker spaniel) has a habit of standing up and staring at her backend too, then sitting down.


I had her checked for worms (none). It turns out she is prone to urinary issues which come and go and dry skin.

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August 7, 2018

I have a Shih Tzu and a Shih Tzu/Jack Russell mix. Both dogs take NexGard every month and are bathed regularly. I was certain they had fleas because of how the dogs would jump, suddenly, to scratch (like BAM they gotta get to that spot on their tail!), so this is why my question is in the bug category.Dogs Scratching But Don't Have Fleas - two dogs in the car


Here's where it gets complicated; I took them to the groomer last week and she said they do not have fleas and that one in three pet parents are saying the same thing. She says it's environmental.

Must be, right? My Shih Tzu mix little guy starts pulling his tail hair out, which further confirms my speculation that it's something biting him because his itching is so focused in certain places. He has bumps on him as well, on his back near his tail. My Shih Tzu does not, but here's the kicker, the dogs very often will get that same BAM urge to itch simultaneously! What?! I'm not crazy, so let's not be dismissive here. Ha! Any guidance is appreciated in advance.


Gold Post Medal for All Time! 677 Posts
August 7, 20180 found this helpful

They may have a food or environmental allergy or skin condition. I would take them to the vet, if I were you


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 196 Feedbacks
August 7, 20180 found this helpful

This is definitely a vet question.

Our dachshund gets flea bites, but since he gets flea treatments he technically has not "had fleas) meaning no eggs and no infestation). He also has had be sure to have the vet check for those also. All made him itch like crazy....just like you describe.


It could be a food allergy causing the skin disturbances also. We had that issue the first or second year we had him and he needs to be on a chicken free diet, which is hard to find as most have chicken fat in them.

Your vet can point you in the right direction!! Here's to good health for the pups!! Let us know what the vet says!


Bronze Post Medal for All Time! 105 Posts
August 9, 20181 found this helpful

This is more than likely from the pet shampoo you are using. I have 3 small dogs like yours and ended up having to not bath them any longer with pet shampoo. They all had a skin rash from it and bumps on their skin.


I finally switched to a baby shampoo and would add a small amount to a bottle and fill the rest with water. This cleared up the skin and stopped the scratching. I no longer buy expensive dog shampoo to bath my dogs with.

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