
Heart Shaped Meat Loaf

For Valentine's Day, I make a heart shaped meat loaf. You can add ketchup or any tomato based sauce that you prefer on top. If you have a heart shaped cake pan you can use that or just shape the meat yourself.

By Diane from Paradise PA

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February 11, 20080 found this helpful

What a "delicious" idea, Diane! Make him some heart shaped pancakes for breakfast, too!

God Bless,
Sheila in Titusville, FL

February 12, 20080 found this helpful

That is so cool. I thought I was the only one that did stuff like that. Every year we make some sort of heart shaped meal for Valentines. Sometimes we make meatloaf, sometimes we make heart shaped meatballs, and have spagetti, other times we make heart shaped burgers, or just use red food coloring and make red pasta with heart shaped sausage slices in it. This year we are making puffed pancakes with cherry and strawberry filling, with heart shaped eggs ( we use those pancake shape irons, and make them pink with food coloring), and valentines sprinkles.


I just love to hear that other people have fun with holidays like we do as well. Thanks so much for your post. You just brightened my day.

By robert (Guest Post)
February 14, 20080 found this helpful

That is funny that other people make heart shaped meatloaf! I learned through a friend and have made it a tradition for friends and family. I spread mashed potatoes over the meatloaf like icing on a cake then use a squeeze tube (forgot the right name) to add a design around the edges. I cut a heart shape out of a red bell pepper and stick it right in the center. Comes out great.

By Lady (Guest Post)
February 14, 20080 found this helpful

Oh thats perfect! Im going to do that next year. Thanks!


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