
Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox?

My cat is about 7 yrs old. We recently moved and she was fine. I changed her litter and she peed on my bathroom mat quite a few times. I changed back to her original litter and she was fine for a few weeks then peed on the mat again.

I stopped putting it down and she was fine for weeks, til today she peed on top of her litter box but she also goes in it usually. If I leave anything on the floor she pees on it! She is not acting sick and was fine when we moved for months. I don't know why she is doing this and only sometimes.

By lreinbird from Columbus, GA

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November 24, 20100 found this helpful

Could be a urinary tract infection, best to have her tested.

November 26, 20100 found this helpful

Who ever lived in the house before you, most likely had a cat that either missed it's litter box or sprayed and even possibly both. I had the same exact problem with our cat Webster and I tried everything but in the end we ended up tearing out all the carpeting and locking him out of the office. There was one particular corner that he sprayed and urinated on any chance he got.

I spent a few days researching different websites and learned that cat urine is one of the hardest things to get rid of. Tearing up the carpet helped a lot, it got to the point neither my husband or I could go in there and it made the hallway smell too.

One website said to put down a bowl of vinegar and it would absorb the smell and I was happily surprised
that it worked. I discovered there are a lot of advertised products to clean cat urine and there's one called that I've actually heard from friends who use and swear by it.

Also when we first moved I kept Webster and Squirt in the one room where the litter box would be permanently and when it didn't work with Webster, I put another box in the bathroom and kept him in there a couple of days and that still didn't work. I finally put him and another litter box in the largest dog crate we have (It holds a Great Dane) and the smaller the area I gave him, it finally started to sink in.

He also is one of those cats that stands on the edge of the box and pees on the wall, I emptied one of Rubbermaid Storage containers I use for Christmas decorations, cut a hole in the side and that is now the litter box they use.

I just remembered something important that we just went through! Webster started peeing in the kitchen in the same spot for a week and I just didn't get it, I clean their box twice a day because it's in my office and I thought the Rubbermaid that I was using was too large so I got a smaller one. Well when it was all done and over, Webster didn't like the smaller box and when I put his big one back he quit peeing in the kitchen.

I should have taken a picture of it to share with you instead of posting an actual picture of Webster.

Anyway, I hope by now your kitty is happier with less accidents.


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November 23, 2010

Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox
What should I do about my cat? She is 2 years old and I've had her since she was 4 months old. Recently she has been peeing on my carpet and my bed sheets. She only pees around one area. Also, she poops in her litter box just fine.

My parents are seriously thinking of making me give her to a shelter. I've tried a lot of things and I don't have the heart to punish her. I need help ASAP. I don't want to give up my baby. Help!

By Bree from Lancaster, PA


Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

If you see her doing it pick her up right away and put her right in the litter box, or you can try moving the box to wear it is that she is going pee. Cats most times have reasons for peeing other than in the litter box, maybe even try and buy a new box. (09/07/2010)

By Chrissy

Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

I had a cat that did that and I called my vet and she said to bring her in. Turned out she had a urinary tract infection. You might want to take her in. (09/07/2010)

By Peggy

Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

Please take your kitty to the vet! My cat was doing the same thing and had a urinary tract infection. Meds were the cure. Don't wait, as it could turn into a serious kidney infection. (09/08/2010)



Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

I took her to the vet and it has something to do with a small bladder and her bladder lining is really thin. (09/08/2010)

By Bree

Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

8 out of 10 times this behavior indicates a urinary tract infection. It is very painful for the cat, and she associates this pain with being in the litter box. So she stops going there. Get her to a Vet as soon as you can. She needs antibiotics. They do recur from time to time so be on the lookout for her avoiding the box again. (09/08/2010)

By Lizzyanny

Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

Please take her to the Vet for a urinalysis to rule out anything to do with any bladder problems. Also, please make sure her box is clean all the time. Some cats are very finicky about this. Good luck. (09/09/2010)


By Sherri

Cat Recently Stopped Peeing in Litterbox

You can get a kitty litter at Petsmart called Dr. Elsey's (may not be spelled right). It attracts cats to use their litter box. It has excellent reviews. My daughter just started using it with her cat. Within an hour it had used the litter box twice! She also gives her cat food specifically made to help the urinary tract. (09/09/2010)

By Debby

Pets CatsNovember 23, 2010
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