
A Bed for Cats That Go Outside

I made a cat box bed for my late cat, Midnight. He would go outside to do his business, as he was a stray who showed up on my porch one cold winter night. He didn't really like a litter box.


I took a strong heavy cardboard box that was square. It was about 15 or 16 inches. I lined it with Styrofoam insulation cutting the sides and top and bottom to fit. Before I closed up the box, I measured the last one to make sure it was going to fit the hole I put in one of the sides then put it in the box. I used a lot of tape, closed up the box, and used a lot more on the side where I closed it up. I put my hand in through the hole I made for the cat to finish the taping of the last piece of Styrofoam. Being it was going to be outside on my porch, I didn't bother to cover it except with an old rug. I also put an old shirt on the bottom that had my scent on it. It has a baby blanket in it now. He loved his "hiddy hole".

I now have 2 semi-outdoor sister cats. They don't use the box, but they were not allowed outside till spring this year. They come inside to be in the A/C when it gets over 95 degrees. Not spoiled are they? I will make them one, longer than the one on the porch, with 2 holes and covered with some old blue jeans. It won't have insulation as it won't go outside.


Hints for getting Styrofoam: think of businesses that get supplies on foam. My boys get furnaces and condensing units on thick Styrofoam which can be sawed in half to use for lining. It is just garbage. There must be hundreds of other places where you can get garbage Styrofoam. I have covered the bedroom windows that look out on street lights with Styrofoam. Now I get better sleep. It keeps heat out in summer and in during the winter.

By Jolene from Rocky Ford, CO

Cat bed made from a cardboard box.

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July 28, 20110 found this helpful

This is an excellent idea! Thanks for sharing!


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