
Rooting A Yellow Bell Bush?

When do you re-root a yellow bell bush?

Hardiness Zone: 6a

By Linda from Elizabethton, TN

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October 2, 20092 found this helpful

There are two ways that I have found to be successful.

(1) Take a lower branch of a big bush that almost touches the ground and lay it on the ground. Weight it down and put some soil over it where it touches the ground and cover with mulch. The branch will take root. By the next year and you can cut off the connecting part and dig up your new bush.

(2) The easiest and quickest way is to simply cut off a piece and put it in a container of water until it grows roots. Keep it out of the wind and be sure to add more water as needed.

May 12, 20220 found this helpful

how long will it take it to root ? and where from the existing bush do you cut the part you are trying to root?


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September 30, 2009

Can anyone tell me how to root a Yellow Bell bush?

Hardiness Zone: 8a

Heidi from Mccalla, AL


Rooting A Yellow Bell Bush

Honestly, you can simply snip them off and stick them in the ground. They're hardy buggers, especially in your zone. Just make sure you keep them well watered during dry spells. Another way, if you have a big bush, is to take a longer branch and bend it to the ground, then put a rock on top of it. It'll send roots right down. I made a lovely hedgerow this way by using the way longer branches to fill in the gaps between the bushes. Good luck. (04/03/2008)


By Beth

Rooting A Yellow Bell Bush

You can even cut the limbs and put in water in the house, they will root and then you can plant them. Be sure you trim them the right time of the year or they won't bloom next year. Been there done that. (04/04/2008)

By kddid

Rooting A Yellow Bell Bush

Yellow Bells (or Forsythia) root very easily. I live in GA and my yellow bells root all by themselves. I've dug the baby plants and moved them around in my yard and given lots of them away.

You can cut or prune the plant after it blooms. Put your cuttings in a bucket of water and let them make roots, then plant them. Or, the easier way is to just stick the cut branch into the ground and it will root right there. Keep the soil moist.

You can also layer a branch from your plant. Do this by bending down a branch to the ground. Make a small cut on the underside of the branch so that it makes good contact with the soil. Hold it down with something heavy like a rock. When it roots, you can cut it away from the mother plant. You'll have a baby plant to dig and place in some other spot.


Or you can let the branches from the plant grow long enough to arch the tip of the branch over to the ground naturally. The place where the tip of the branch touches the ground will root and grow another plant. Or you can hold it down the same way you would layer the plant until it roots.

Good luck and happy gardening. (04/04/2008)

By Sherry

Home and Garden Gardening RootingSeptember 30, 2009
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