
Family Reunion Invitations?

I am looking ideas for making do it yourself invitations for a family reunion.

Kat from Ontario, Canada


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March 3, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

What type of reunion are you having? If it's a BBQ you could make invites that look like hamburgers or grills. Is it at a park, maybe you could make it look like a kite. Or something simple, check out the craft store for printed paper, and just print out with a matching font. I can help more, what type is it?
Hope I can help.

By Jean (Guest Post)
March 6, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

The last reunion I attended was for my dad's side of the family. It was for all of my dad's siblings and their children, children's children, etc. Considering my dad had 9 brothers and sisters, it was huge!


Our common bond was my dad's parents. So I had postcards printed with their photo on it and the reunion details on the back. Not only was it an invitation, but the guests could also keep the card as a photo for their album or frame it. It was a beautiful photo that most of the grandchildren didn't even know existed, so everyone was thrilled to get it.

There are several online printers for postcards, such as Vistaprint. Or you can print them on your own printer -- preferably a photo printer with good photo quality postcards.

March 6, 20070 found this helpful
Best Answer

How about a tree or better yet a leaf shape and it could say something along the lines of Join us for a climb up our family tree.

March 6, 20070 found this helpful

Postcards with local sights on them? You wouldnt have to worry about envelopes and its also a keepsake.

March 6, 20070 found this helpful

this is an intresting idea that i just thought of but it is kind of a lot of work to pull off. have photo's or picture renditions of each family member your inviting but have the person the invitation with a space on there picture of where there face should be. then to rsvp they have to paste or draw there face in the space and send it back to you.


or an easier idea is to send leafs to each person with the info on one side and a spot to put there intermediate families names on or a picture. (put insctuctions on the back) then have everyone send them back to you and attach all the leaves to a tree cutout as a family memorial and decoration to bring to the reunion.

By PAULA (Guest Post)
October 30, 20080 found this helpful

Go to your local scrap booking store, and you can purchase card stock that is a solid color. And sheets of booking paper with many different designs and themes. Cut the designed sheets about 1/8" smaller then you have cut the card stock. Then on your computer type all the information, date, time, place etc. Cut it 1/8" smaller then the design sheet. glue all together. Very easy, very cute.


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