
King (Pit Bull?)

King is 3 months old. I think he is a pit bull. I got him 2 months ago.

By Shaheem from Syracuse, NY


King (Pit Bull?)

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
May 22, 20080 found this helpful

I would agree. Looks pit to me.

May 25, 20080 found this helpful

He looks just like my dog, Elwood, he's pit bull & boxer mix. He's a great dog.

May 26, 20080 found this helpful

This is Bea, my Pit Bull.
Got her from the animal shelter.
Very good dog,sweet & loveable.

By Patti (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

What a sweetie!

By Sue (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

Had a female looked exactly like King...pit/boxer mix. Was great with my daughter at first, then one day totally lost her mind. Grabbed my daughter by her neck who was sleeping on the couch next to me (she was only 18 months).


Just be careful, vet told me that there is a lot of overbreeding of that mix going on, and they are being inbred, causing their brains to swell, and causing craziness.

By (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

He is beautiful and looks to be very sweet. I would say pit bull, also. I have a pit bull that looks very much like yours, he is wonderful.

By cyh (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

Sorry, but King is a mutt.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

Looks like a Pit Terrier to me. Just love those floppy ears!

By Robin (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

I agree that he looks, at least mostly, pit bull. My daughter has a female pit bull that she adopted from our local shelter and she is an absolutely wonderful dog. Also, I have to disagree with the post that said not to play tug with a pit bull. My daughter and her husband had a professional trainer that specializes in pit bulls and that owns several dogs that are pit bull therapy dogs and she said there is nothing wrong with playing tug with a pit bull.


She said to teach the dog, though, the command "drop" when done playing. It has worked quite well. Pit bulls have lots of energy and they enjoy playing and even do well at agility training.


Silver Post Medal for All Time! 364 Posts
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

PS Since Pits tend to be an aggressive breed, do not do anything to encourage this behavior. Get him neutered ASAP and don't do tug-of-war games. When he starts winning (and believe me, he will), he will lose some respect for you. Hire a trainer (or ask your local pet food store where to find one) and do the training. Very important!! Just simple things like: "sit, no, and stay".


They will come in handy. Above all else, make sure he knows he's the low man on the totem pole and not the king of the house! Pits can be 40 to 60 -ish pounds, and with those jaws packing a lot of body weight, you want to take preventative measures. After that, enjoy him! He looks cute!

By julie (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

I don't think he's pure pitt, he would be more wrinkley at that age, also, not quite blocky enough looking for a male. My boy, wish I had a good pic handy, is a huge 90lb. baby and the only time you have to worry about his "temper" is if he thinks you are bothering his family. I trust him with my kids and other dog totally and don't hesitate to take food from him if I need to, he's really gentle. I'm just saying don't believe all the horror, raise him right and enjoy your beautiful dog!

By Jessica (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

I thought pit bull and black mouth curr

By petlover (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

He looks just like my Ginger did and she was full-bred Boxer. He's adorable.

By Tasha (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

King looks a lot like my brother's dog Hailey and Hailey is a Boxer. Hailey doesn't have the ears like King, but they are almost dead wringers for each other. Boxers like to get up on their back legs, like a professional boxer, hence the name, so I would say see if he likes to 'stand' on his back legs.


My brother is about 6'2" and when he pats his shoulders, Hailey jumps on her back legs and puts her front legs over his shoulder like it's nothing to it.

By courtney (Guest Post)
May 27, 20080 found this helpful

You have to remember that Boxers have that same "boxy" face and when mixed with anything else they look like the dog king. A real pit doesn't look like the pictures on here. Just google it and see. Plus even if he has some pit in him there is something else in there for sure. And he really doesn't look like 3 months old, more like 5 months.

May 31, 20080 found this helpful

Go to
look at the photo gallery, you will see dogs that look just like yours.

November 30, 20170 found this helpful

No. He ist 100% a Rhosdesian Ridgeback-Boxer-Mix!!!

March 21, 20180 found this helpful

You have a Rodesian Ridgeback Boxer a great dog and quite intellegent dog as well as a very loyal dog that will protect you and your family they can be stubborn but treats will go a long way for you to properly train the dog.

January 20, 20190 found this helpful

Black mouth cur, possibly pit mix but definitely a cur

June 7, 20210 found this helpful

I have the same dog he looks like a pitbull but I really don't think he is I think he's mixed with something else he's not me he's sensitive to people and really likes kids he's a very good dog I would like questions on how to find out what he really is


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