
Netflix for Books?

I recently found a reference to a service that lets you set up a request list for books - similar to the personalized movie lists available on NetFlix - and check out a given book, much like a library.


Now I cannot find the reference or the website service. Has anyone else here seen it, or have any ideas on what the URL address might be?

Thanks much!

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June 8, 20050 found this helpful

I think the site you're looking for is
You can make a list of all the books you want, and either buy them immediately, or have one a month sent to you for $9.95 a month. I belong to this, and it's better than any book club out there. No matter what book you order, it cost $9.95 with free shipping!

June 8, 20050 found this helpful

Dear Jen, here's another book borrowing site: They have different monthly plans; the cheapest is their Bronze plan which is $7.99 a month to have 2 books checked out at a time; the shipping is free and you have the option of buying some of the books you borrow too.

June 9, 20050 found this helpful

I belong to and You post what you have to trade and get points for trading to be used for what you want. With Titletrader you can list books, magazines, video games VCR and DVD and CDs. With paperback swap you only list books but you can list hardbacks also.


Please give me credit if you join either and I get free points. My user name is WolfeK. This is a free swap with only paying postage. Thanks.

June 20, 20050 found this helpful allows you lend your DVDs/CDs to other members instead of giving your stuff away. In this way, you can lend one item multiple times and earn more than one point from it. The more points you earn, the more items you can borrow from others.

A common concern about DVD/CD swapping is how to avoid giving away good/popular items and stucking with the bad/unpopular ones. ShareBuster seems like a good answer to it. Also, you don't have to have a big inventory to keep things coming to you. As long as you have a couple of good items that other people are always interested in, you are in business.


If you like to give it a try, you can click the following link with the refer code. Once you register with a valid US address, you can get $5.00 credit.

Enjoy it!


October 10, 20050 found this helpful

Wow... I must be lucky. Here in Kansas City, the Johnson County Libraries are set up like Netflix. You can go to their website and set up a queue of books/movies/tapes/etc. and when they become available they'll let you know via email/automated phone call/snail mailer. They even do this when its about time to return or renew the materials. The best part? The materials are pretty up to date.


Not the day they come out up to date, but you don't wait long for new stuff to get to the library. And its free. I guess what I'm saying is it may be a good idea to ALSO check out the local library if you haven't in awhile. I was impressed with how much things have improved there. And you just might save a buck or two. ;)

By (Guest Post)
January 26, 20060 found this helpful

May 5, 20060 found this helpful

You are looking for I love it, request books anytime,only $3.50 a book total cost.Free membership.

By Kadie King (Guest Post)
September 23, 20060 found this helpful

I'm not sure if it's the same service, but I just found
Hope this helps!

By Susan (Guest Post)
November 3, 20060 found this helpful

I use

By George Burke (Guest Post)
January 1, 20070 found this helpful

Not to toot our own horn, but i'm from a company called BookSwim, a Book Rental Club that is essentially a "Netflix for books" (NOT A SWAPPING SITE!) We will not officially launch till February 2007. We'll offer both paperbacks and hardcovers, no shipping costs, no late fees, no due dates with plans starting around $14 per month for unlimited book rentals.


Go to the site for more info about our launch, and thanks for listening! Keep reading guys!

By lAuerbach (Guest Post)
May 17, 20070 found this helpful

try i did a search under "netflix books"

By alyssa (Guest Post)
May 25, 20070 found this helpful is one i know of!

By Angela (Guest Post)
June 10, 20070 found this helpful and seems like good services, but i'm surprise no one mentioned the local library. they have books there and they're free.

By Mom (Guest Post)
July 31, 20070 found this helpful

try joining this "service":

By Your friend (Guest Post)
November 25, 20070 found this helpful

By (Guest Post)
December 9, 20070 found this helpful


By Stephanie (Guest Post)
March 10, 20080 found this helpful

Just type in "Netflix Books" on google, because i just searched for the same thing and many things pop up. So far bookswim is working great for me.

March 26, 20080 found this helpful

In the city I live in, I can make a request through my library for almost any book to be put in a HOLD line. When my turn comes, they contact me, I go get the book and have it 2-3 weeks until it is due.


This costs me not a single penny! Most libraries offer this type of service - some even do it online using your library card number.

By Torontonian (Guest Post)
June 4, 20080 found this helpful

I found a great local netflix for books.

By Kylie (Guest Post)
August 23, 20080 found this helpful

Booksfree is not a good site to rent books from they are cheaper but unless you get one of the more expensive options, you are so not getting your moneys worth. It takes way too long for you to get your books.

By Nick (Guest Post)
November 14, 20080 found this helpful

BookSwim has come a long way since they started. Library is great if you are around during its open hours to get your books (and willing to wait a long time). I read on my commute (train) and it has been great for me. Plus, they have a 50% off signup promotion running so if you're going to sign up, now would probably be the best time - those tend to go away quickly

April 15, 20090 found this helpful is the best place to rent books online. I have tried them all. Booksfree is the best hands down.

August 4, 20110 found this helpful

Yes, there is.

It's a wonderful site with a huge selection of books for all ages. They also offer Recommendations based on reading level and individual preferences, Books on demand, Request books at any time, and Personal consultations with certified librarians (ask questions, discuss challenges and receive resources to assist you). As a busy Mom in an urban area, this site has been invaluable for me. I highly recommend them, plus the customer service is very personal and top notch.


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