
Teacher's Time Capsule

Bronze Craft Medal for All Time! 52 Crafts

Teacher's play such an important role in a child's life and what they do is priceless. With the holidays coming up, here is a sweet gift that you and your child can make together to give to the teacher. It will become a treasured memory. This would also make a great gift for adults or a special occasion.


Approximate Time:


  • empty canister from tall fireplace matches
  • pretty paper
  • paper ribbon
  • trims of your choice
  • photo of child
  • handprint of child
  • clear contact paper- optional
  • computer and printer- optional
  • double sided tape


  1. A canister from fireplace matches is ideal for this project but another container, such as from Pringles potato chips would work fine also. Match Box Tube

  2. You can choose to use a computer and printer for the poem page or you can write the poem out and attach a photo and the handprint to the paper. If using a computer, scan in a copy of the child's handprint and insert it, along with the child's photo on the paper with the poem. Poem for a Teacher


  3. If doing it by hand, write out the poem. Cut a photo of the child and adhere to same page. Use an ink pad that is safe for kids or brush on a thin coat of non toxic paint on the hand. Have child press hand down on paper. Push gently to make a good print. Wash ink or paint off hand.

  4. I chose to cover the poem page with clear Con-Tact paper so it will last a long time. This step is optional.

  5. To make the canister, choose the paper you would like to decorate it with. There are many sites on the internet that offer free printable design papers. You can find school themed papers also.

  6. Lay canister on paper and mark width and length needed. Cut paper.

  7. Put strips of double sided tape on back of paper. Take your time and adhere paper to canister. Tube Covered in decorative paper


  8. Do the same with coordinating paper ribbon and trim as desired.

  9. If adding an embellishment, you can poke a hole in the canister and thread ribbon through. Tie object to the ribbon and allow to hang.

The canister in this project has a see through window on the top. You could cover with seaside paper and put in items collected from a beach or vacation. Use nostalgic papers and decorate canister for an anniversary. Write a nice note and attach a gift certificate for a nice dinner out for the special couple. The possibilities are endless!

I apologize for the picture of my finished poem. It refuses to come through clearly, but I wanted to include it anyway so you can see where I put my photo and handprint.

I wrote the poem. Please feel free to use it. Just insert your child's name and name of teacher where needed:

I am just a little tyke
There's lots of things I like


Playing in the park on swings
Riding my new shiny bike

I can kick a ball and jump a rope
Video games are neat
Disney is a real fun place
And so are ice cream treats

My favorite thing in the whole wide world
Is being with Mom and Dad
They always treat me like a king
Although I'm a little lad

But when I can't be with Mom and Dad
Only one place will do
Where I feel safe and loved
Always at Miss CC's school

She let's us do some real fun stuff
We learn and play games too
She gives us hugs and we sing some songs
She's really very cool

Merry Christmas Dear Miss CC
I want to thank you for all you do
I may be little but I have a big big heart
So I'm sending "CJ" love to you!

By Mary from Palm Coast, FL Teacher's Time Capsule Craft


About The Author: Mary is half of a creative team on a craft oriented website. Here you will find pages of free projects and patterns in a wide variety of categories, with an entire section made especially for kids. There also is a gift shop where you can purchase unique handmade items such as collectible dolls, toys, and home decor. They offer free sayings, tips, ideas, and humor. Enter their contests for a chance to win great prizes. Visit them at:

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Gold Post Medal for All Time! 969 Posts
November 24, 20110 found this helpful

Probably one of the best ideas I have seen so far. Everyone needs teachers, but they are often forgotten when this time of year comes around.


Very special and a good thing for grammas and grampas, too. PBP


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