
Can Your Water Make You Itch?

March 6, 2009

Man itching his arm.Could my water be what is making us itch? Even my pets are itching non-stop. I have scatched my legs until they bleed. I have used lotions, oils, etc. but nothing seems to be working. I have rusty well water and we all drink it, bathe in it, etc.. Can you please help us scratch our itch. Thank you.


Aloma from Michigan


March 7, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

Water generally doesn't do anything to you - even rusty water.

You mention your pets and legs are real itchy areas. Are you certain you don't have fleas or that the animals don't have any forms of mange? The mange mites can also make humans extremely uncomfortable.

Neither fleas nor mites will be affected by any oils or lotions you apply to relieve dry or itchy skin.

March 7, 20092 found this helpful
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I too got itchy from our water. Our city water comes from wells and the water filters down through limestone so we have very hard water. The calcium dries my skin and makes me itch. I switched from bar soap to moisturizing shower gel and my skin has been much better.


Hope this helps. P.S. The federal governement made our city drill new wells this year and now we have rusty water, so the iron may be a factor. This is the first year I had a problem.

March 7, 20091 found this helpful
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Hopefully your home has an operational water softener installed. With very hard well water like yours it's a necessity. If you have one, is it working properly? Is it simply out of salt? I've had well water in every home I've lived in, and I assure you that hard water residue on your skin can definitely make you itchy. Until you get to the bottom of it, a little water softener powder (like Calgon - laundry aisle) in a bath will soften the water for bathing, and use bottled water or a filter pitcher like Brita for drinking water (because of the rust content).


Most importantly, you need to have your water softener checked or have one installed!. Good luck!

March 7, 20090 found this helpful
Best Answer

I would not assume that the people in your family and your pets itch for the same reason. However, it can be. For the animals, you would need to check with a vet.

I must tell you that for myself, water does indeed make me itch. The dermatologist has called it dermatitis. I am to not even load my dishwasher. (lol) The opthamologist has told me the cracks I get in the corners of my eyes are from my eyes tearing. I dry very carefully between my fingers, but have noticed break outs there. I think it is due to perspiration.

I do not believe any tap water can be so different from other water that it in itself would cause itching. The symptoms I have described occur with all water.

March 7, 20091 found this helpful
Best Answer

Hi! Consider getting a water panel run. Aqua MD is one I used before, but there's lots of labs out there. Unfortunately, we discovered some really nasty stuff in our water like high nitrates, fluoride and rocket fuel. It's worth checking it.


Especially if you are near any chemical or military site. And by near, I mean within a hundred miles or so. Good luck!( Feel free to contact me privately for info on investigation of such things).


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 167 Feedbacks
March 8, 20090 found this helpful
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Hard water can definitely have this effect. A lot of people swear by getting a water softener installed.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
March 16, 20090 found this helpful
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Your rusty well water. That is the clue. Have it tested. You could have organisms swimming in it as well. Water can make you itch ( it does me) by the sensitivity and health condition does it for me. My family is fine. And our water is pure.


Test your water, you may be told NOT to drink or bathe in it either. Happened for my son and his wife on the farm. Contaminated from the fields near their farm. No bathing, even the dog got bottled water after that.

March 7, 20090 found this helpful

Try drinking bottle water (critters too) and/or get a brita. Benadryl will help with the itch. You can give it to dogs too.


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 239 Feedbacks
March 7, 20091 found this helpful

I'm wondering if it's the water or too much in long showers, frequent baths, dry skin type itch. Maybe?

March 7, 20090 found this helpful

Re: Post about Benedryl - just a reminder: Please check with your vet before giving Benedryl or any medication to your pets. Some medicines are poisonous to pets and can differ between cats & dogs.

March 7, 20090 found this helpful

Apparently vinegar is good for restoring the ph of your skin and will reduce the itchiness - I'm not sure whether it would be good for dogs though - it might be ok diluted - as for cats well they just wouldn't tolerate it at all


source: internet search for uses for vinegar.

March 7, 20090 found this helpful

I too have bad water pipes. First of all no more long hot showers and also try the benadryl or another one I like is maximum strength cortisone with aloe (1% hydrocortisone anti-itch cream)As for drinking water we get bottled water and refill it for about 25 to 30 cents a gallon. I cooked with my water from the pipes and do dishes and also shower with it too. Also try a humifier in your place and see it that helps too. Good luck

March 7, 20090 found this helpful

I suppose ur water can make you itch, but if the H2O is alkaline & it causes your skin to itch, it only means your body doesn't have enough HCl, basically in your stomach, which addresses your blood Ph & through out your whole body. It causes candida & a host of other problems. Check candida & vinegar. You can use a 10% dilution of vinegar & water. That's like 1cp white vinegar & 9cps of water. When you are done with your shower, use your hands to remove the excess water & spread the vinegar mix, then dry as normal. The smell goes away when it dries, it will not harm your towels, either. You can get a book called "Why stomach acid is good for you" by: Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. It's quite an eye opener when the acid is addressed in your body. It takes care of adverse conditions outside your body. Benedryl only puts antihistamines in your body which can rebound & cause trouble, & hydrocortisone can cause trouble with your adrenals & believe me, you don't want to go there.

March 11, 20090 found this helpful

Aloma, sometimes the chlorine in tap water can dry out your skin so badly you need meds from the doctor.

December 4, 20130 found this helpful

I scratched my lower legs until they bled.I was out of my mind with itch. I stopped drinking the well water and it went away just like that. blink!
My dog developed a hot spot, I've started him on city tap water I bring home from work. I make my coffee with it and cook with it. Dishes and showers use the well water. Nitrates are the main thing that has a "different" reading, all other tests I could do were normal. I think it's time for some lab work. I hope you get yours figured out. Let us know!

June 22, 20140 found this helpful

We have recently installed a new water heater. Softener was installed a year ago. After the installation of the water heater we noticed our well water is really stinky and everyone is itching. I am about to lose my mind. The itching is so bad on my torso and legs that it wakes me up. I am on a continuous dose of Benedryl.

March 19, 20150 found this helpful

Definitely have it tested! I am going through the same thing. If it smells, it could be sulfur. I am highly allergic to that so I'm worried. Have you found out the cause and has it gotten better?

March 19, 20150 found this helpful

Wanted to clarify that we just had a hot water heater put in today, let it run awhile, etc. Got in the shower and felt I was stung by millions of fire ants. Got out and I was stinging, itching, and I was covered in hives. So I think something was in the water or the water heater.

April 1, 20150 found this helpful

I have just finished my second bout of sever itchy skin. Allergy test confirmed I am allergic to gold and bronopol. Bronopol is in about everything from paper products, mouth wash, pesticides, etc. Unfortunately it is combined with other ingredients and called something else. I suspect the EPA has dictated something to treat water that is causing this itchy skin and that something is this bronopol.

November 19, 20150 found this helpful

Water heater smell can be from the rods inside. Take them out if you have rusty water. As for me I get the rust out softener salt and set it to high rust.

But dry skin is usually from dry air. If you shower everyday you need to lotion up right After your shower. My kids get chapped hands from nor drying them really good and letting the air do it. Winters are terrible.

May 15, 20160 found this helpful

Same thing with me. I found aveeno Oatmeal bath works well on airplane but was getting to be expensive so I looked online how to make it and it's just good old-fashioned Quaker Oats in a blender blend it to a fine powder add that to the bath and it helps a lot I could get through the night without scratching

June 1, 20160 found this helpful

We live in a farm and our water comes from a spring but the cows are all around this spring house. Not directly on top of but they pretty much surround the spring house. Could these cows be contaminating the water by any chance? Could that have something to do with why I'm itching?

January 31, 20170 found this helpful

We were on a well and about once a month I would take out the whole house filter, put in a new filter. Then I filled the filter housing with peroxide. After putting it back together, I would run only the hit water taps till I figured the peroxide was in the hot water tank. Usually doing this before bed or leaving the house. The peroxide will kill off the bacteria. I use to use bleach, peroxide is cheaper and safer.

October 19, 20170 found this helpful

Where do i purchase the water panel aqua md

August 5, 20180 found this helpful

I am in desperate need of answers and help to figuring this madness out...very itchy..leads eventually to wounds...I feel my skin has porcupines in it...driving me crazy. Motels water, my friends house, most places I've stayed makes my skin crawl after!

August 5, 20180 found this helpful

I think my body went thru a new change. This seems like it's what it is. How do I get tested to find out?

November 3, 20190 found this helpful

Id never drink well water, too many potential contaminants. Have it tested !

May 1, 20200 found this helpful

Not true, well water causes many skin troubles.

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