
Getting Rid of Tree Saplings?

How do I permanently get rid of tree saplings coming up in flower beds?

Hardiness Zone: 7a

By Delores from Cleveland, OK

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June 16, 20100 found this helpful

You may have planted over a seed bank. It's unlikely you'll be able to get rid of them without harming your flowers. They will keep coming until there are none in the seed bank anymore. Until then, you can replant the seedlings in pots and give them away or try to sell them at a farmer's market.


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June 16, 20100 found this helpful

The natural flow of wind and breeze drops the seeds everywhere. You just have to pull them out. May take a little muscle if they get established. My huge gardens and flower beds have their share, and you just consider them a weed and PULL.


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June 14, 2010

How can I get rid of maple saplings in my flower beds without using harsh chemicals? I need some home remedies, please.

Hardiness Zone: 7a


By Phyllis from Knoxville, TN


Getting Rid of Tree Saplings

After a soaking rain is a good time to rid the garden of maple saplings. A pair of pliers might help to get a better grip. Grab the sapling close to the base and pull straight up and the roots come with the plant unless the sapling has grown too tall. In that case, snip them off at the base. (05/12/2010)

By Myrna


May 10, 2010

What is a natural product I can use to prevent mulberry (or any tree) saplings from sprouting and coming back?

Hardiness Zone: 5a

By kathy from Peoria, IL


Getting Rid of Tree Saplings

You can try a thick mulch of organic material on the ground, such as compost or leaf mold.

By Joy

Getting Rid of Tree Saplings

Sorry about the double post, but Nimminoodle emailed me and said her problem is severe, and mulch won't do the trick for her. After lots of searching on the web for the answer both yesterday and this morning, I came up with the idea of using nips to cut existing shoots to the ground, then covering with a couple of layers of heavy plastic and placing mulch on top to kill the existing shoots and prevent any new ones from coming up.


This would normally work with almost all plants, but on one of the web searches I did, I don't know whether or not the person knew what they were talking about because I didn't read it on any other website, but they said that mulberry shoots can grow in complete darkness. But you might want to try it in a small area to see if it will work.

My daughter was planning to put plastic on a large hill to prevent anything from growing there, but I had heard you can put discarded carpet over the area and cover it with mulch instead of using plastic. It is more durable, thicker, and less prone to getting holes in it when you step on it. It worked for her weed problem and I believe, because of the close-woven backing that it would be maybe impossible for the mulberry shoots to grow through it.


If you decide to try this, I would put the carpet backing side up so maybe it won't deteriorate as fast if it isn't in contact with the ground.

I also learned from my web searches that if you top a mulberry tree, you will usually end up with a profusion of shoots, so I guess either that is what caused this problem or it might be a future warning for you. (04/23/2009)

By Joy

Getting Rid of Tree Saplings

If natural methods do not work out, there is Powerforce Brush Killer Plus by Bayer Advanced. It kills small trees sprouting in lawns were they are unwanted. I've also used it to kill many wild violets at once.

The opened resealable label on the packaging says it kills mulberry trees. It says it can also be used to kill stumps. The bottle to look for is blue with a red and black label. This is carried at Lowe's. (04/24/2009)


By Tara Eppes

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