
Pickle Juice for Heartburn

I found the best remedy for heartburn. When you gets heartburn open the fridge and get a jar of pickles Take one or two tablespoons of the juice and swallow it. In just a few seconds the burning will stop.


By Verna N. from Walton, Indiana

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Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 167 Feedbacks
March 2, 20100 found this helpful

By pickle juice, I assume you mean the vinegary brine that comes with jars of pickles -- and not the liquid of cucumbers or pickles that have been run through a juicer.

If you do mean the vinegary brine, I have serious doubts that it will work. Heartburn is caused by excess acid in the stomach. That's why an antacid is used to relieve symptoms. Alkaline substances like baking soda neutralizes the acid which is irritating your stomach (Alkaline is the opposite of acid on the pH scale).


Adding an acidic substance like vinegar to heartburn is like adding fuel to a fire.

August 20, 20171 found this helpful

I suffer from heartburn so bad that I usually wind up vomiting all night but I will say I have tried the in acids I have tried Prevacid I have tried Xanax I have tried Pepcid I have tried everything the only thing that works is pickle juice it stops the burning in the chest within seconds cuz most of the time the reason that you get heartburn is not because there's too much acid it's because of the fact that there's not enough acid in your stomach to digest the food so your food is sitting there that's why it comes back up so pickle juice does work

January 23, 20190 found this helpful

I use pickle juice for heartburn all the time. Yes, it does work for me.

March 2, 20101 found this helpful

I don't know if it works for heart burn but I do know that pickle juice (from a store bought jar of pickles) will stop leg cramps almost immediately. When you get a bad cramp, just drink some pickle juice! My husband swears by it!


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 270 Feedbacks
March 2, 20100 found this helpful

I also agree, this could be very dangerous for your health. If you took vinegar brine juice from the jar and don't know what created the heart burn, or have an unknown cause, you could rupture and ulcer, or something worse.


GERD or the regular heartburn sensory is a symptom that should not be ignored. I had a friend who lost his life to esophagel cancer, and the one symptom was heart burn.


Bronze Request Medal for All Time! 65 Requests
April 30, 20100 found this helpful

This is a perfect fix, I think. When I have heartburn I take vinegar tablets; same principal. Heartburn is actually a lack if acids in the stomach; Tums say they neutralize the acid and they do! Which doesn't help digest the food in your stomach. Great idea!


Bronze Feedback Medal for All Time! 167 Feedbacks
June 16, 20101 found this helpful

metroplex wrote"
"Heartburn is actually a lack if acids in the stomach; Tums say they neutralize the acid and they do! Which doesn't help digest the food in your stomach."


I don't understand your reply because it contradicts itself. If "heartburn is actually a lack of [sic] acids in the stomach," why then would you take Tums to "neutralize the acid"? Why would you have to neutralize something you don't have? Regardless, as a medical researcher, if would be irresponsible if I didn't correct you.

No, heartburn is not the lack of acid in the stomach. The opposite is true. Heartburn is caused by an excess of acid, or acid splashing above the stomach, irritating the tissue above. That's why you'd neutralize (aka "negate") the acid with an antacid like Tums.

Since excess acid is the problem, adding more acid in the form of vinegar simply makes no sense. Ask your physician. As I originally posted, ingesting vinegar for heartburn is like adding fuel to the fire. Basically, you're adding more acid to the acid that is already irritating you.


Here's how WebMD defines heartburn (acid reflux):

"Technically, heartburn is the symptom you feel when acid splashes up and out of the stomach. "Heartburn" is sometimes used interchangeably with "acid reflux.""

August 4, 20210 found this helpful

But it works. I don't know why. Not all vinegars work on me, just dill pickle and only specific brands. Better than Nexium, Tums, Pepcid etc.

September 1, 20210 found this helpful

The reason for GERD or heart burn is the lack of stomach acid. The high PH of your stomach prevents the valve from closing. If you want the valve to close and heart burn to go away, you need to make your stomach more acidic.


If you take antiacids it may make stop the burning, but it doesn't fix any problems. Plus it makes your stomach even worse then you are not able to absorb vitamins and minerals due to the low acid in your stomach.

September 24, 20180 found this helpful

I find it helps my heartburn also. I was feeling the start of heartburn and took a couple sips out of the dill pickle jar. Curbed it right away. I keep the jar of juice after the pickles are all gone for just such occasions. I have found it is good for queasiness also, if it is caused from consuming greasy foods. :)

December 17, 20180 found this helpful

Reflux can also be cause by too low of stomach acid . Google it.


Silver Feedback Medal for All Time! 451 Feedbacks
January 23, 20190 found this helpful

I use to have bad heartburn too, and had to take prescription meds for it, which I didn't like taking because there's always side effects to taking meds, especially when something is ongoing like heartburn every time you eat anything. Eating a cracker brought on heartburn for me as odd as that sounds, actually everything did.

Pickle juice or taking vinegar and mixing that with water and honey work great too, *you only need a little bit* which is how I cured my acidic problem, and no more meds and it's been years that I've not had any "reflux" problems or irritations.

I know vinegar products sound like they'd aggravate things more, but quite the contrary, as ingesting vinegar, which is acidic on the "outside" actually turns *alkaline* when it hits the inside (the stomach), which is why that works so well, and, it's very good health wise for our body without side effects that meds can create
over time.

May 27, 20190 found this helpful

Pickle Juice makes my heartburn worse. Celery stalks are my go to.

September 17, 20190 found this helpful

Someone else has probably made a point about this if so, Apologies. But, just in case it might help someone, I just thought I would mention what many of us may have heard many times. And, I am NOT trying to say this will cure everyones Heartburn by any means. Because it IS true that Heartburn is often a symptom of another problem, maybe a dangerous problem. If it happens frequently, please discuss it & getting to the source of your Heartburn w/your Dr. But, I thought I would just volunteer, that by doing these simple things, I went from daily Heartburn after every meal, to very seldom Heartburn usually associated w/spicy foods. The 1st thing that sounds easy but is not as simple as it sounds, was I made conscious DAILY efforts to drink more fluids, especially water. It provides SO many health benefits, including reducing Heartburn it is worth trying, & read about all the Benefits of drinking water. The other thing that helps me is losing some & trying to keep my weight lower. I have been on a life long weight loss journey w/just feeling healthier and being a positive example for my children as goals. So, believe me I am not trying to pretend its something simple nor easy to accomplish. & I understand what its like to have something other than low will power derailing hard earned efforts, Results. But, every time I have been successful at driving even some of my excess weight down, while being properly hydrated, it has drastically reduced my previous severe Heartburn. I know it isnt the solution for everyone. But, if you get a green light from your Dr to just start w/little things in reducing calories & just walking, moving w/low joint impact, just a bit more daily, it can so often help so much more than harm, including possible less Heartburn. But, I appreciate the positive, open, helpful attitude from this forum & want to thank everyone for taking time, to share. I deal w/social anxiety. So, seeing others being brave enough to share what seems simple to some, it really helps me. So thank you all.

October 7, 20191 found this helpful

A lack of acid and an abundance of acid have the same symptoms.

I read somewhere that drinking pickle juice, which is a little more tasty than vinegar, will tell you whether it's a lack of acid or an abundance of acid. Drink it; if the burning goes away you have a lack of acid. If you have more burning, you have an abundance of acid

January 6, 20220 found this helpful

If the vinegar doesnt work, I use a little baking soda in water. One of them does the trick every time. :)


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